Happy 46th birthday to Jonathan Knight!
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Friday, November 28, 2014
Donnie Wahlberg at Wahlburgers Canada grand opening
Here are some video clips of the speeches at the grand opening of Wahlburgers in Toronto.
Videos courtesy of Caroline Becker
Videos courtesy of Caroline Becker
Nick and Knight interview with ET
Jordan and Nick recently did a quick interview with Entertainment Tonight while in Los Angeles for their Nick and Knight tour.
Jordan Knight interviewed by the London Free Press
Jordan was recently interviewed by the London Free Press. Check out the interview below.
New Kids on the Block leader Jordan Knight isn't shy about stating his opinion when it comes to the new crop of boy bands out there – including One Direction.
His main issue? They have two left feet.
"They don't dance," the 44-year-old singer laments. "I just don't get it. To put on a really good show there has to be some kind of cool choreography."
When we mention that we've seen 1D in concert (before you cringe, children were present), and that they seemingly substitute their lack of dance prowess with a time-filling couch banter segment in the middle of the show (seriously), chatting about their favourite hobbies and things to eat, he takes it one step further.
“I think these groups are getting hit records first because they are coming off these hot TV shows and then they have to get a stage act together,” Knight retorts. “By then it's kind of too late. Then they just end up on stage just singing their songs and not really knowing the art of putting on a show."
Boy band beefs aside, Knight has paired up with another recognizable face – Backstreet Boys singer Nick Carter, for the aptly named side project and album of the same name, Nick & Knight.
Knight, who is currently on tour with Carter in support of their collaborative debut, chatted down the line from Montreal about the trek, being in the studio with a Backstreet Boy, his love for hockey, and a possible NKOTB reunion in 2015 (the band were recently awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame).
How is the tour going so far?
It's going really well. The news is spreading amongst our individual fan bases that it's a fun show... I think some of our individual hardcore fans were a little hesitant with how it would it gel together, and now a lot of them are coming back for multiple shows. Nick and I just have good chemistry on stage. We don't try to outdo each other, we just try to make the show fun and have a good time.
Have you always enjoyed performing in front of Canadian fans?
Canada has always been a great place for the Backstreet Boys and the New Kids on the Block as well as me solo-wise. We get a lot of support here... it definitely feels like our second home.
Is it tougher leaving the family behind these days?
It is tough... I get really homesick. It's really tough for a few days out on the road leading up to the day when you're going to leave home. My kids are both in school so they have to stay home, and of course, my wife has to stay with them. It's a bittersweet experience. The more you're away the more you really miss them and cherish them.
A lot of tracks on the record, including the single One More Time, seem to be a mix of several different styles. Was this a conscious decision?
No. We just wanted to make sure the songs were good... that you could feel the song, regardless of the genre. One More Time it has a pop-rock almost Maroon 5-ish feel. And there's a song called Paper on the album that has a very urban Drake-ish type of feel. You usually don't hear albums with that kind of diversity and that range.
What qualities does Nick Carter bring to the studio?
Nick is great at melodies. He can come up with a catchy melody very quickly and he sings R&B really well...
Are you friends with him outside of the music business?
We're buddies, but we don't hang out. It's hard to even have really good pals in Boston where I live because if I’m not touring, I'm home with my family. Even with the New Kids, we're great friends, but we don't hang out a lot – we just keep it separate.
There's a lyric in the track Deja Vu that says "Fell in love three times like a hat trick." Who's the hockey fan?
That would be me. I'm an assistant coach for my son Dante's hockey team. I grew up playing hockey. My parents are Canadian... my dad played hockey and he took us (with his brother and NKOTB member Jonathan) to the rink early on, when we were five, six years old.
What are your plans for 2015? Is there a NKOTB reunion in the cards?
We will be announcing some new adventures that will be going on in the New Year.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Watch "Rock This Boat: New Kids on the Block" meet the castaways special
Here is the video of the "Meet the Castaways" episode of Rock This Boat: New Kids on the Block:
Update: Video has been deleted, does anyone have it saved?
Update: Video has been deleted, does anyone have it saved?
Listen to clip of Joey McIntyre on Dirty Sexy Funny
Joey was recently interviewed by Jenny McCarthy on her Dirty Sexy Funny radio show. Listen to the interview below:
Videos courtesy of shellylawrence8711
Videos courtesy of shellylawrence8711
Donnie & Paul Wahlberg Interview with The Todd Shapiro Show
Donnie and Paul were interviewed by The Todd Shapiro Show. Here is a video clip:
Monday, November 24, 2014
Watch Donnie Wahlberg and Jenny McCarthy present award at AMAs
Donnie and and Jenny presented the award for the best "pop/rock album" at last night's American Music Awards. Here is a video clip:
Video courtesy of SoxChick777
Video courtesy of SoxChick777
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Donnie Wahlberg and Jenny McCarthy's Red Carpet Interview at 2014 AMAs
Here is a clip of Donnie and Jenny's Red Carpet Interview at 2014 American Music Awards:
Recap of Run With Danny event in Niagara Falls
Here is a recap of Remember Betty's first Run With Danny event at Niagara Falls International Marathon 2014. Danny talks about the impact breast cancer has had on people in his life, his plans for making new music and more.
Video courtesy of Remember Betty
Video courtesy of Remember Betty
Watch Donnie and Paul Wahlberg's interview with The Social
Traci from The Social challenged Donnie and Paul to a round of rapid-fire, getting them to dish on everything from must-have burger toppings to their favorite song by Donnie's the New Kids on the Block and more.
Update: Video has been deleted, does anyone have it saved?
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Joey McIntyre's interview with Entertainment Weekly
Joey was recently interviewed by Entertainment Weekly, check out the transcript below:
Joey McIntyre answers Awkward Questions about 'The McCarthys' and New Kids on the Block
New Kids on the Block singer and actor Joey McIntyre, 41, stars as a strong-headed brother in a big Boston brood on the CBS family comedy The McCarthys (Thursdays, 9:30 p.m.). Can he hang tough with a few Awkward Questions?
When I’m spelling the title of the show, is The McCahthys also considered acceptable?
Joe: Absolutely. We gotta make sure the pronunciation is correct right off the get-go and get everyone in lockstep with how it should be pronounced.
Maybe even The Feckin’ McCahthys?
Joe: Innnnnnn certain circumstances, yes. But you know, it is CBS, so we gotta pace ourselves.
You met your wife, who’s a real estate agent, while shopping for a house. Did your pickup line involve the sentence “Girl, I can’t quitclaimdeed you”?
Joe: No, it didn’t. But I didn’t have any furniture. All I had was a beanbag, and she sat in the beanbag, and she watched me put together a table from IKEA. And that’s about the macho-est thing I’ve ever done in my life, and I think that was what hooked her in.
Your New Kids bandmate Donnie Wahlberg is also on a CBS show, Blue Bloods. Pitch me the terrible crossover episode.
Joe: The real bad one? I would say, our sister [on The McCarthys] is pregnant, so Donnie delivers the baby at Fenway Park, because they’re playing the Yankees and his character is a big Yankees fan, and they come to Boston, and they’re getting booed, and everybody’s getting on Donnie like, “Go back to New York! Yankees suck!” He powers through all that and ends up delivering Jackie’s baby safely at the baseball game, and he’s a hero and that’s a happy ending because Sox and Yankees fans come together at the end.
Let me pretend to turn the tape recorder off. Are Wahlburgers any good, really?
They’re really good! They’re delicious. You’re in L.A.—they’ve got kind of an In-N-Out feel but they have their own vibe to it. And their big thing is government cheese and it’s cheesy, kind-of-bad-for-you cheese, which makes the burger really good. And most of them have bars, so it’s a burger joint with a full bar and what’s better than that?
What would a BigMcIntyre taste like?
Joe: It’d be a cheeseburger with baloney instead of bacon. With bread-and-butter chips—like the pickles—and on an onion roll. And we’d do a deal with Fritos—we’d only serve Fritos. We wouldn’t serve french fries.
Why should I say “NKOTB” when the full name of the band is the exact same number of syllables?
Joe: Oh my God, dude, that is—I don’t know, I feel like the skies are opening up right now. [Laughs] That needs to be shouted from the mountaintops, you know? That is an important piece of information that needs to get out in the world.… New Kids. NKOTB. It takes more energy to say NKOTB than New Kids on the Block. I mean, New Kids on the Block runs right off your tongue. NewKidsontheBlockNewKidsontheBlockNewKidsontheBlock.
On a scale of “not at all” to “I wouldn’t say upset, just a little curious as to why not,” how upset were you that the Patrick Duffy comedy Step by Step did not use your No. 1 hit “Step by Step” as its theme song?
Joe: “Ehhh. No big deal.” That’s somewhere in the middle, right?
Did you ever drunk dial 1-900-909-5KIDs, the official New Kids on the Block hotline ($2 for the first minute, 45 cents each additional minute)?
Joe: No, I didn’t have a cell phone when that was out. And I wouldn’t have done that. Yeah, that was definitely a dark hiccup in the life of — that was just wrong. It was a wrong thing to do. But what are you going to do? You live and learn.
You were the last member to join New Kids—and the youngest. What was the worst hazing that you endured? Did they switch out your blazer so it was five sizes too big instead of three? Add sleeves to one of your vests?
Joe: Oh, man. Our day-to-day manager who took care of us would drive us around Boston to different talent shows and stuff, so he had a two-door Mustang and we’d be packed in. I’d be sitting on someone’s lap in the front seat and the other three are stuck behind in two bucket seats. On long trips you don’t know what to do and at one point Donnie tried to rip off my socks as my shoes were still on. And he just ripped my socks off. That’s what teenage boys do when they’re locked in a Mustang and can’t get out.
That doesn’t sound so bad, hazing-wise.
Joe: All kind of stuff. Words hurt, you know what I mean? Kids are mean. I went home crying many a night.
Why? What’d they say?
Joe: Whatever—they’re from Dorchester [Mass.] and I was in from a middle-class home in Jamaica Plain, it was like a world of difference. And I have seven older sisters instead of seven older brothers, so I was very sensitive. And it was fine. Boys will be boys—and I was an emotional one.
You ranked No. 44 in VH1’s 100 Greatest Kid Stars special. Fair?
Joe: New Kids on the Block?
No, just you.
Joe: Wow. When did that come out?
Joe: I’d like to think I’m a little higher now. 2005 was a quieter time in my career. Maybe they can revamp it?
So where would you put yourself now? Maybe in the 30s?
Joe: Yeah. Listen, I’m never going to be bigger than Joey Lawrence, you know what I mean? After that, it’s all gravy.
How did One Direction respond to New Kids and Backstreet Boys’ pitch for a new boyband supergroup called NKOTBSB1D?
Joe: How did you get a hold of that scoop? That wasn’t supposed to be out yet. I’m really kind of pissed off that you—please don’t write that because they’re still working on it. We think it can work. Just sit on it and we’ll give you the exclusive when it happens. In 15 years.
Joey McIntyre answers Awkward Questions about 'The McCarthys' and New Kids on the Block
New Kids on the Block singer and actor Joey McIntyre, 41, stars as a strong-headed brother in a big Boston brood on the CBS family comedy The McCarthys (Thursdays, 9:30 p.m.). Can he hang tough with a few Awkward Questions?
When I’m spelling the title of the show, is The McCahthys also considered acceptable?
Joe: Absolutely. We gotta make sure the pronunciation is correct right off the get-go and get everyone in lockstep with how it should be pronounced.
Maybe even The Feckin’ McCahthys?
Joe: Innnnnnn certain circumstances, yes. But you know, it is CBS, so we gotta pace ourselves.
You met your wife, who’s a real estate agent, while shopping for a house. Did your pickup line involve the sentence “Girl, I can’t quitclaimdeed you”?
Joe: No, it didn’t. But I didn’t have any furniture. All I had was a beanbag, and she sat in the beanbag, and she watched me put together a table from IKEA. And that’s about the macho-est thing I’ve ever done in my life, and I think that was what hooked her in.
Your New Kids bandmate Donnie Wahlberg is also on a CBS show, Blue Bloods. Pitch me the terrible crossover episode.
Joe: The real bad one? I would say, our sister [on The McCarthys] is pregnant, so Donnie delivers the baby at Fenway Park, because they’re playing the Yankees and his character is a big Yankees fan, and they come to Boston, and they’re getting booed, and everybody’s getting on Donnie like, “Go back to New York! Yankees suck!” He powers through all that and ends up delivering Jackie’s baby safely at the baseball game, and he’s a hero and that’s a happy ending because Sox and Yankees fans come together at the end.
Let me pretend to turn the tape recorder off. Are Wahlburgers any good, really?
They’re really good! They’re delicious. You’re in L.A.—they’ve got kind of an In-N-Out feel but they have their own vibe to it. And their big thing is government cheese and it’s cheesy, kind-of-bad-for-you cheese, which makes the burger really good. And most of them have bars, so it’s a burger joint with a full bar and what’s better than that?
What would a BigMcIntyre taste like?
Joe: It’d be a cheeseburger with baloney instead of bacon. With bread-and-butter chips—like the pickles—and on an onion roll. And we’d do a deal with Fritos—we’d only serve Fritos. We wouldn’t serve french fries.
Why should I say “NKOTB” when the full name of the band is the exact same number of syllables?
Joe: Oh my God, dude, that is—I don’t know, I feel like the skies are opening up right now. [Laughs] That needs to be shouted from the mountaintops, you know? That is an important piece of information that needs to get out in the world.… New Kids. NKOTB. It takes more energy to say NKOTB than New Kids on the Block. I mean, New Kids on the Block runs right off your tongue. NewKidsontheBlockNewKidsontheBlockNewKidsontheBlock.
On a scale of “not at all” to “I wouldn’t say upset, just a little curious as to why not,” how upset were you that the Patrick Duffy comedy Step by Step did not use your No. 1 hit “Step by Step” as its theme song?
Joe: “Ehhh. No big deal.” That’s somewhere in the middle, right?
Did you ever drunk dial 1-900-909-5KIDs, the official New Kids on the Block hotline ($2 for the first minute, 45 cents each additional minute)?
Joe: No, I didn’t have a cell phone when that was out. And I wouldn’t have done that. Yeah, that was definitely a dark hiccup in the life of — that was just wrong. It was a wrong thing to do. But what are you going to do? You live and learn.
You were the last member to join New Kids—and the youngest. What was the worst hazing that you endured? Did they switch out your blazer so it was five sizes too big instead of three? Add sleeves to one of your vests?
Joe: Oh, man. Our day-to-day manager who took care of us would drive us around Boston to different talent shows and stuff, so he had a two-door Mustang and we’d be packed in. I’d be sitting on someone’s lap in the front seat and the other three are stuck behind in two bucket seats. On long trips you don’t know what to do and at one point Donnie tried to rip off my socks as my shoes were still on. And he just ripped my socks off. That’s what teenage boys do when they’re locked in a Mustang and can’t get out.
That doesn’t sound so bad, hazing-wise.
Joe: All kind of stuff. Words hurt, you know what I mean? Kids are mean. I went home crying many a night.
Why? What’d they say?
Joe: Whatever—they’re from Dorchester [Mass.] and I was in from a middle-class home in Jamaica Plain, it was like a world of difference. And I have seven older sisters instead of seven older brothers, so I was very sensitive. And it was fine. Boys will be boys—and I was an emotional one.
You ranked No. 44 in VH1’s 100 Greatest Kid Stars special. Fair?
Joe: New Kids on the Block?
No, just you.
Joe: Wow. When did that come out?
Joe: I’d like to think I’m a little higher now. 2005 was a quieter time in my career. Maybe they can revamp it?
So where would you put yourself now? Maybe in the 30s?
Joe: Yeah. Listen, I’m never going to be bigger than Joey Lawrence, you know what I mean? After that, it’s all gravy.
How did One Direction respond to New Kids and Backstreet Boys’ pitch for a new boyband supergroup called NKOTBSB1D?
Joe: How did you get a hold of that scoop? That wasn’t supposed to be out yet. I’m really kind of pissed off that you—please don’t write that because they’re still working on it. We think it can work. Just sit on it and we’ll give you the exclusive when it happens. In 15 years.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Listen to Donnie Wahlberg's interview with Kiss 92.5
Donnie was interviewed by Kiss 92.5. He talked about his upcoming show "Donnie loves Jenny", Toronto Maple Leafs and the Boston Bruins, Wahlburgers and more.
Update: Interview has been deleted, does anyone have it saved?
Watch new Rock This Boat: New Kids on the Block preview clip
Here is a preview clip of "Rock This Boat: New Kids on the Block" from US Magazine:
There will be a special "Meet the Castaways" episode on Monday, Nov. 24 at 8 p.m. on Pop (currently TV Guide Network) and the regular series will premiere on Jan. 14 at 8 p.m!
There will be a special "Meet the Castaways" episode on Monday, Nov. 24 at 8 p.m. on Pop (currently TV Guide Network) and the regular series will premiere on Jan. 14 at 8 p.m!
NKOTB 2015 cruise announced!
OCTOBER 8-12, 2015
OCTOBER 8-12, 2015
Check out the promotional video!
NKOTB CRUISE 2015! from New Kids on the Block on Vimeo.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Watch The Toronto Sun's interview with Donnie and Paul Wahlberg
Donnie and Paul Wahlberg sat down with the Toronto Sun to preview the grand opening of Wahlbergs in Toronto. Here is the video clip:
Watch Donnie and Paul Wahlberg's interview with The Canadian Press
Donnie and Paul were interviewed by The Canadian Press for the grand opening of Wahlburgers in Toronto. Here is the video clip:
Update: Video has been deleted, does anyone have it saved?
Update: Video has been deleted, does anyone have it saved?
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Jonathan Knight on The Amazing Race
According to Reality Fan Forum, it appears that Jonathan and Harley will be contestants on the next season of The Amazing Race! Here's a photo of them riding a shuttle and reading a clue.
Photo from Reality Fan Forum
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Donnie Wahlberg and Jenny McCarthy in new reality series
A&E has ordered 10 episodes of a new reality show starring Donnie and Jenny McCarthy that will air next year.
Here's the report with more details from deadline.com
Donnie Wahlberg and Jenny McCarthy will have their marriage documented in a reality series. A&E has given a 10-episode order to Donnie Loves Jenny, an original unscripted docuseries that will follow the newlyweds. It is the first project in an overall development and production deal Wahlberg and McCarthy have signed with A&E for their newly launched joint production company D&J Productions. Production on Donnie Loves Jenny, from 44 Blue Prods. and D&J Prods., begins immediately for a 2015 premiere. The series will consist of a one-hour episode chronicling the couple’s August 31 wedding followed by nine half-hour episodes.
Donnie Loves Jenny is an offshoot of sorts from Wahlberg and his brothers’ breakout A&E realty series Wahlburgers, also from 44 Blue. Wahlberg and McCarthy’s romance played out on the first season of Wahlbergers, which is set behind the scenes of a restaurant owned by Wahlberg and his brothers. “Viewers have enjoyed following Donnie and Jenny’s relationship on Wahlburgers and we look forward to sharing this next part of their journey,” said David McKillop, General Manager and Executive Vice President of A&E.
The series will kick off with behind-the-scenes moments from Wahlberg and McCarthy’s wedding and follow the couple through their nuptials into their first experiences as a married couple as they navigate through life as newlyweds, including blending their families and balancing their busy schedules.
“Our feeling is, who better to make our first show for the network about than about us?,” Wahlberg and McCarthy said. “We love working together and with our crazy schedules this gives us the chance to both work and play together.”
Following her co-hosting stint on The View, where she announced her engagement to Wahlberg, McCarthy recently launched Dirty, Sexy, Funny With Jenny McCarthy, a new daily live morning radio show on SiriusXM. Wahlberg stars on CBS’ Blue Bloods.
Donnie Loves Jenny is executive produced by Wahlberg and McCarthy as well as 44 Blue Productions’s Rasha Drachkovitch.
Here's the report with more details from deadline.com
Donnie Wahlberg and Jenny McCarthy will have their marriage documented in a reality series. A&E has given a 10-episode order to Donnie Loves Jenny, an original unscripted docuseries that will follow the newlyweds. It is the first project in an overall development and production deal Wahlberg and McCarthy have signed with A&E for their newly launched joint production company D&J Productions. Production on Donnie Loves Jenny, from 44 Blue Prods. and D&J Prods., begins immediately for a 2015 premiere. The series will consist of a one-hour episode chronicling the couple’s August 31 wedding followed by nine half-hour episodes.
Donnie Loves Jenny is an offshoot of sorts from Wahlberg and his brothers’ breakout A&E realty series Wahlburgers, also from 44 Blue. Wahlberg and McCarthy’s romance played out on the first season of Wahlbergers, which is set behind the scenes of a restaurant owned by Wahlberg and his brothers. “Viewers have enjoyed following Donnie and Jenny’s relationship on Wahlburgers and we look forward to sharing this next part of their journey,” said David McKillop, General Manager and Executive Vice President of A&E.
The series will kick off with behind-the-scenes moments from Wahlberg and McCarthy’s wedding and follow the couple through their nuptials into their first experiences as a married couple as they navigate through life as newlyweds, including blending their families and balancing their busy schedules.
“Our feeling is, who better to make our first show for the network about than about us?,” Wahlberg and McCarthy said. “We love working together and with our crazy schedules this gives us the chance to both work and play together.”
Following her co-hosting stint on The View, where she announced her engagement to Wahlberg, McCarthy recently launched Dirty, Sexy, Funny With Jenny McCarthy, a new daily live morning radio show on SiriusXM. Wahlberg stars on CBS’ Blue Bloods.
Donnie Loves Jenny is executive produced by Wahlberg and McCarthy as well as 44 Blue Productions’s Rasha Drachkovitch.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
The McCarthys cast members get tested on Boston Slang
TV Guide asked Joey and the cast of the McCarthys about Boston Slang!
Read Joey McIntyre's chat with Reddit's Ask Me Anything.
Joey recently did a chat with Reddit's Ask Me Anything. Here are the questions and answers:
just making my day over and over :) Thank you for taking time for us fans and I
think that's a good choice but u know we love whatever you do and always here
to support you xoxo
Joey Mac's back, ALL RIGHT!
What is Justin Timberlake like in person?
McIntyre 9 points 5 days ago
What? Let me go back in time to 1999... when I last saw
him... Ooh! He's really cool! But that perm is a little funky.
[–]DecisiveMoment 4 points 5 days ago
Hi Mr. McIntyre,
I am actually the photo editor for the the McCarthys and my
office is adjacent to where you are doing your AMA. I figure this is the only
appropriate time I can be on reddit at work, haha.
Out of the countless shows i've worked on, i've never smiled
so much while going through the McCarthys Behind the Scenes photos. It looks
like you and Jack McGee have a fantastic time serenading the audience after
each show. What songs are you actually singing, and what is your favorite song
to sing after you wrap an episode?
Hope i get to briefly meet you before you head out.
All the best,
McIntyre 4 points 5 days ago
Tim, you sound like a fine young gentleman! Keep up the good
Now to your question:
Me and Jack were gay lovers in a former life. And we're
doing whatever we can to act that out in this life. As heterosexual men. I
[–]dimplejuice 8 points 5 days ago
In the one hit wonder song "Summer Girls" by LFO,
they had the lyric "New Kids On The block,had a bunch of hits Chinese food
makes me sick." What do you think of those sick rhyme skillz?
McIntyre 8 points 5 days ago
[–]eer0924 3 points 5 days ago
What is your favorite part of doing a TV series?
McIntyre 4 points 5 days ago
The live studio audience.
[–]dimplejuice 3 points 5 days ago
I'm going to be visiting Cambridge/Somerville (near Boston ) soon for work.
Any good places to check out, according to Joey? Thanks.
McIntyre 4 points 5 days ago
Well, you're on the fancy side of Boston there. But I always say: hit the North
End, Boston 's
version of Little Italy, and it's a great city to walk around and take in the
historic sights. Public gardens, Boston Common, etc.
I grew up in Jamaica Plain. I can remember driving by your
house and seeing young girls waiting outside with signs saying things like
"I love you Joey" and "Marry Me" etc.
Did you ever go out and greet those girls?
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
Oh yeah, we would always go out and take pictures a lot and
say hi.
[–]danascherry 2 points 5 days ago
Are you enjoying acting or music more these days?
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
I get to do both! I love both. But it is satisfying and
challenging and fulfilling to focus more on the acting and just learn everyday
I go to work.
[–]danascherry 1 point 5 days ago
Can't wait to see the show! It will be awesome seeing you in
a different element! I do love some NKOTB though.
[–]beernerd 2 points 5 days ago
What drew you to your role on The McCarthys?
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
It was pretty easy, I mean, when I read the script, I just
thought it was really funny and really well-written so I wanted to be a part of
it, but certainly the Boston aspect and growing up close to where the writer
grew up, and that certain sarcastic chip on your shoulder sense of humor was
very familiar to me. So I felt like I knew who this character was, and that's a
huge plus going in.
[–]TheSelli 2 points 5 days ago*
Not sure if I should ask if I could get a follow on twitter
or what is the craziest thing a fan has ever done? Just kidding....
I would imagine a TV would be easier on the family life than
touring - what is the hardest part of the TV show gig?
McIntyre 6 points 5 days ago
First of all, thank you for kidding when you are asking
those first 2 questions, because 99% of the time, they are not joking.
I really do think it's the best gig in show business, as far
as a multi-cam sitcom, because every episode only takes 5 days to shoot, Monday
/Tuesday /Wednesday the hours are like 9-3, Thursdays are kind of a late day,
and Friday you go in late but you stay late too. And then you have your
weekends. As opposed to being the lead on a drama, like Donnie on Blue Bloods,
and he's working like a dog. A beautiful, big, sexy dog. But a dog.
[–]JenLovesJoey 1 point 5 days ago
A beautiful, big, sexy dog. But a dog. I could totally hear
your voice when I read that! lol
[–]Openingmynds 2 points 5 days ago
How good are you, in real life, at basketball or any other
McIntyre 2 points 5 days ago
I can go to my left (which tricks people for a while, so I
can get some easy lay-ups), but then they figure me out, and I'm just a regular
player after that. But basketball, it's very easy to get injured - you get an
elbow in the face, you twist an ankle, so I don't play it anymore. I'll shoot
hoops with my son, but I'm not going to go hard on a basketball court.
[–]emoore77 2 points 5 days ago
Do you and the rest of the NKOTB boys keep in touch with
each other when not on tour?
McIntyre 4 points 5 days ago
All the time. We have a text group. And Donnie just texted
us a video today on the top of a New
York building and was very excited about the graffiti
that was displayed.
[–]darcylynn 1 point 5 days ago
They do in my head! haha
[–]Betty_Baylor99 2 points 5 days ago
What are you and/or your kids going to be for Halloween? :)
McIntyre 4 points 5 days ago
My son Griffin 's going to be
Messi, from Argentina 's
soccer team. Rhys is going to be Leonardo from TMNT. And then my daughter is
going to be Belle from Beauty and the Beast. And when Rhys asked me
"Daddy, what are you gonna be?" before I could answer, my son Griffin "A
margarita." Which tells you something about how many margaritas I drink.
[–]Betty_Baylor99 2 points 5 days ago
Aw, love that Griffin
answered on your behalf! :)
[–]TaraMac_21 2 points 5 days ago
Which actors, past or present, do you admire or learn from?
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
It's hard not to think of John Ritter, and how amazing he
was. Watching him as a kid in the same genre as I am in now, I'm lucky enough
now to be working with his son, who is first a great kid, and a great actor.
Loved Michael J. Fox. Ted Danson. Doris Roberts, the way she really is not
afraid to get dark, I love that.
[–]stacyb45 2 points 5 days ago
Who's your favorite cast member to work with on the show?
McIntyre 2 points 5 days ago
I really do love 'em all. They are ALL great in so many
ways. Good people, hard workers, really talented. And ready to enjoy the
[–]AnnyB120875 2 points 5 days ago
Do you have any other movies in the pipeline? X
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
I hope I'm in The Heat 2!
[–]anditazz 2 points 5 days ago
Is it difficult traveling everywhere to film or tour, and
you have to leave your family behind?
McIntyre 4 points 5 days ago
It is.
My daughter who's 3 and a half is finally realizing that
when I say I'm going to work, it doesn't meant that I'm going on a plane and
I'm going to be away for a month. I just have to explain to her "I'll be
back tonight, don't worry."
[–]nkotbgal21 2 points 5 days ago
Will you be putting out more solo music too? like you don't
have time huh :)
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
I've been thinking about that lately too. I always get
feisty during the fall months.
[–]nkotbgal21 1 point 5 days ago
eek thanks for answering my ? and I hope so I love that
voice of yours!! Can't wait to see the Mccarthy's some very good actors on that
show :) love ya joe!!
[–]mrsbass79 2 points 5 days ago
Morning joey. My question for you is how did it feel
bringing Fonzie to life on the stage?
McIntyre 2 points 5 days ago
It was thrilling to play a TV icon, like the Fonz, and work
with the legend Garry Marshall. Garry is the best.
[–]ceereed 2 points 5 days ago
Hi Joe! What is the 2015 NKOTB Tour Plan?
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
Can't tell you, might have to kill ya.
[–]darcylynn 1 point 5 days ago
makes me happy. :)
[–]fresa80 2 points 5 days ago
when will we see another solo tour Joe?
McIntyre 2 points 5 days ago
I think about when and where my next solo tour would be. And
I look forward to it. I don't know when, and I don't know what it will look
like, but I'm starting to visualize it somehow.
[–]jayhawk1 2 points 5 days ago
Thanks for doing this! I am so happy that you are on a new
show! I loved being able to watch the first episode on the last cruise : ) My
questions: 1. What is your favorite food on the cruise? 2. Will there be
another cruise? 3. Not a question, but I love you.
McIntyre 5 points 5 days ago
1) Lobster.
2) Yes.
3) love you too.
[–]Jeannette74 2 points 5 days ago
You have been on the concert stage, Broadway, movies, and
now a TV show. What is your favorite part of each one? What are the drawbacks
of each one? Dare I ask which one gives you the most thrill?? xoxox
McIntyre 4 points 5 days ago
Concert stage:
Fave part: rockstar!
Drawback: Sleeping on a tour bus. Which used to be fun, but
I'm old now.
Fave part: I get to do it 8 times a week!
Drawback: You have to do it 8 times a week.
Fave part: Very fancy.
Drawback: Too much downtime.
TV show:
Fave part: A dream.
Drawback: Remembering it's not a dream.
[–]sandra_ke 2 points 5 days ago
What's the one question you've been waiting to answer during
these interview rounds that you haven't been asked yet?
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
This one.
[–]CharlesCat 2 points 5 days ago
Wise ass.
[–]weemee 2 points 5 days ago
My sister was a huge fan and whenever I read NKOTB my brain
said knob.
Was that intentional?
McIntyre 2 points 5 days ago
[–]Blockhead4eva 2 points 5 days ago
What's the best gift you have ever received from a fan?
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
Their unconditional love.
[–]Blockhead4eva 2 points 5 days ago
Awww so sweet!! U have mine. Joey girl since 89' right
here!! Woot woot!! :-)
[–]mmsun78 1 point 4 days ago
How is this only one point?! I would give you another if I
could. Even if i have been waiting on Jordan forEVER! NKOTB is even in the
ipod. Also, I think this AMA should have gotten more love.
[–]MinnesotaCJ 1 point 5 days ago
Yep, I just cried at this. Sweetest thing I've read all day.
[–]stacyb45 3 points 5 days ago
hey! what's your favorite joke to tell? xoxo
Joey McIntyre
4 points 5 days ago
There's a flight on Aer Lingus from Boston
to Dublin . And
the pilot radios back to the tower, and says (In an Irish accent) "I'm
having a bit of trouble, not sure what's going on here but I need yer
help." and the tower radios back "Okay, let's start with your height
and location and we'll go from there."
And the pilot radios back "I'm five foot two and I'm at
the front of the plane!"
[–]QDax 5 points 5 days ago
Will your character on The McCarthy's have a love interest?
McIntyre 4 points 5 days ago
Yes. And she's played by Jessica Sinclair, and her
character's name is Katrina.
[–]QDax 2 points 5 days ago
Thank you for replying and thanks for the selfie today at
the hoops! It's always nice to see you!
[–]dimplejuice 2 points 5 days ago
What was it like at the Boston Marathon in 2013?
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
Before the craziness happened, it was very emotional, and
thrilling, and then when it all went down, it was crushing.
[–]dimplejuice 2 points 5 days ago
What was it like to be on an episode of Psych?
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
FUN! Real fun. Those guys are really talented and their
chemistry was really at a high level, and it was fun to see that up-close. They
should have had me on more though.
[–]mzmclean 1 point 5 days ago
What's your favorite memory from shooting the "Here We
Go Again" video?
McIntyre 0 points 5 days ago
Being in the best shape of my life.
And the 30 winners coming from all around the country, all
around the world actually.
[–]Jeannette74 1 point 5 days ago
Hi Joe! What does Gerard have most in common with you?
McIntyre 2 points 5 days ago
I hate to admit it, but we do have a lot in common. As
Gerard lives by the motto of "Volume and repetition," that one's
gotten me into a lot of trouble. I'd like to think I'm a little less sarcastic
than I used to be, but now it's my job to be that way.
[–]lula2488 1 point 5 days ago
What’s your most embarrassing childhood memory?
McIntyre 0 points 5 days ago
I don't really believe in being embarrassed, I mean, it's...
we all make mistakes, you don't get very far if you don't mistakes or make a
fool out of yourself or get embarrassed. So you have to be willing to kind of
trip and fall to get to where you're going.
That being said, my friend when I was probably about 11, he
was 13, he said that - he was talking about me in front of a group of people,
he was like "I always talk about you, do you always talk about me?"
and I was like "no."
And I don't know if everybody audibly went "awww"
but it sure felt that way.
[–]JayZnk 1 point 5 days ago
Do they let you ad-lib on the lines if you think of
something really good?
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
You could try different ideas out.... But I think we all
have a great deal of respect for the writers, and we're really lucky to have
them, so we are in good hands, and we do their stuff first, and then if
something, you know, pops up we run it by them before the take and they say "yeah
sure try it."
[–]darcylynn 2 points 5 days ago
I read this and instantly thought of Joey Tribbiani in
Friends... don't fall down an elevator shaft, Gerard! ;)
[–]LetsGetThis948 1 point 5 days ago
Hi Joey! What has been your biggest challenge going from
stage acting to television acting? Best of luck with The McCarthys!
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
Well, on the stage, I think, you have to open up a little
bit more to fill the space and to hit the back of the room (so to speak) and
working on a multi-cam studio audience TV show is probably the closest to that
on film or television. So that would be the closest transition. But I just
think it's a different focus of energy, but you are still trying to come from
an honest place and "solve a problem," and you want to keep it
authentic regardless of what the medium is.
[–]Blockhead4eva 1 point 5 days ago
Are you planning on bringing The Kid back on the road or is
that on the back burner right now?
[–]pnkstellar 1 point 5 days ago
Will there be a cruise in 2015?
[–]MegsM88 1 point 5 days ago
What if your favorite thing about acting?
[–]inkabinka23 1 point 5 days ago
How do you find the balance between acting and singing??
Would you like to be in a big over the top musical???
[–]QDax 1 point 5 days ago
What is the major differences between filming in front of a
studio audience and doing shows on Broadway?
Joey McIntyre
1 point 5 days ago
You can't cut. I mean, once you start on Broadway, you're
[–]Telleyd 1 point 5 days ago
Will you be watching "rock this boat"?
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
Yes, I will be watching Rock this Boat! I'm excited for the
cruise to be captured in such an amazing, beautiful way. It's always hard to
describe the cruise, and now i can just tell them to watch the show.
[–]msoctupus 1 point 5 days ago
Congrats on The McCarthy's! How is working with the cast and
crew different front working with NKOTB?
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
Similar in many ways, because it really feels like a family.
I learned as a performer in both. And I learn how to be a better person in
both. Slowly but surely.
[–]Chrissie6012 1 point 5 days ago
Would you say that you are similar to your character,
Gerhard, in personality or no? And if so, in what ways?
[–]JoanneUK 1 point 5 days ago
Joe as I have done 3 Cruises from UK next years I cannot wait, what's
your highlight of cruises? The selfies? Them nights? Or the no sleep lol Love
from UK
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
I like doing the solo shows, because it's very intimate and
I try to do something special that the fans don't get to see during the year.
And it just seems as big as the boat is, that we're all at a house party.
[–]lisamh77 1 point 5 days ago
It's been awesome to see your kids grow up and experience
the past few years with you. And, as fans, we appreciate you sharing some of
those videos and photos and moments with us. How cool is it to have your kids
along for the ride?
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
Very cool. They make me appreciate it even more. And help me
not to take it for granted.
[–]QDax 1 point 5 days ago
If you had to choose between acting or singing, which would
it be?
McIntyre 2 points 5 days ago
[–]yolo_____swaggins 1 point 5 days ago
Is Victoria
single? Asking for my friend OP
[–]Sucknectar 1 point 5 days ago
Any plans for The Mcarthy's to incorporate your singing? How
about any on location sets like in Boston ;)
McIntyre 2 points 5 days ago
I don't think Gerard McCarthy is a singer. MAYBE way down
the line, if we're lucky, but for now, he would probably think singing is a
sign of weakness.
[–]Sucknectar 1 point 5 days ago
Lol! Guess I can see that! Always looking for an opportunity
to hear you sing;) I'll keep my fingers crossed for way down the line😊
[–]pnkstellar 1 point 5 days ago
Love you Joe!!!! Have you started recording your new NKOTB
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
[–]Anthelina 1 point 5 days ago
Do your cast mates give you a hard time because of the BH
presence at each taping? What are your feelings on that? (I went to a taping in
August and had a blast!)
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
The rest of the cast has a lot of fun with the Blockhead
presence. And thinks it's great.
[–]QDax 1 point 5 days ago
How excited are you kids that their dad will be on TV every
week? Will they be watching?
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
We're probably going to have to DVR it. But I'm excited that
the show can be watched by kids as well. Because they wouldn't get the adult
jokes, and still laugh at some of the others, if that makes any sense.
[–]AndreaBarber1 1 point 5 days ago
How often are you able to run with your current schedule,
and do you have any races planned for the future?
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
I have to fit my runs in by running to work, about 3 times a
week, which is about 6 miles. I'm kind of itching to do a half-marathon. But
I'm not sure I'm going to fit in a full marathon this year.
[–]Parkergirl 1 point 5 days ago
Will there be 2 Second season of mccarthys be filming
beginning of next year?
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
We hope so! But I am not Les Moonves.
[–]TaraMac_21 1 point 5 days ago
We love seeing you on stage really puts you in your element
(a stage is a stage is a stage! ;) Do you have a favourite stage? (i.e. arenas
versus small venues; movies versus tv)
McIntyre 2 points 5 days ago
No, I don't have a favorite, I think as you say, a stage is
a stage is a stage! And I think as a performer, as a seasoned performer, you
should be able to play different stages. And what I found cool about the New
Kids' last tour in Europe , it wasn't a big
arena tour, it was a theater tour, and I was really proud of the fact that we
still hit the stage ready to give an amazing show, and have an amazing night,
and we did.
[–]lilyskies 1 point 5 days ago*
Hey Joe! When will The McCarthys be hitting our screens in
the UK ?
Will you get a chance to promote it here? (though I will be watching it this
week somehow 😉) Also when will you & the guys be coming back to these
isles? The previous 'Intimate' tour was the best... We miss you all!!
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
How could you think of anything but Kate & Will's new
[–]nkotbgal21 1 point 5 days ago
Will there be more movies in your future too? Love ya so
much on the Heat :)
[–]ceereed 1 point 5 days ago
Do you get upset when people refer to you or any of the guys
as a "Former" NKOTB Member?
[–]Raqqers 1 point 5 days ago
Which New Kid would you like to guest on The McCarthys if
they could?
[–]JoanneUK 1 point 5 days ago
West end , concerts or acting your talent is endless, any
thing new you would like to try? Maybe west end in UK sometime?? 😃
[–]katherinedevir 1 point 5 days ago
Would you rather:
Fight one horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses?
Have a dragon or be a dragon?
Stand barefoot on an iceblock for 20 min or be tickled on
your bare feet for 20 min?
Why for each? :P
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
1) One horse-sized duck. One kill.
2) Hmmm. Have a dragon. I'd walk it to work. Who says all
dragons want to be ridden?
3) Tickled.
[–]Tammi_inCO 1 point 5 days ago
Hi Joe! How's my Irish Devil doing? ;-) While both have a
live audience, what's the main differences between performing on a theater
stage & the performance you're giving during a taping of The McCarthy's?
[–]JayZnk 1 point 5 days ago
What was you favorite memory, moment in a show of the
Package Tour?
[–]darcylynn 1 point 5 days ago
Joey! I've loved you since I've been 5, I won't even lie. :)
You've obviously conquered the music world, been in movies, now TV, you've run
marathons and have a beautiful family behind you... is there anything else on
your bucket list you want to accomplish in your career/life that you haven't
quite yet? Thanks for doing this! xo #bhlove - Darcy
[–]pnkstellar 1 point 5 days ago
Hi Joe! Thanks for the Twitter follow a while back! Is it
hard filming/touring with a family? Love you!
[–]msboobookitty 1 point 5 days ago
Greetings Joey! I am curious how you juggle all your
different projects between NKOTB, acting, interviews and just being a hubby and
a daddy?! Seems like a lot on your plate, but of course the fans are grateful
and appreciative of all you do!
[–]aliVee1 1 point 5 days ago
Hi Joe my sister is a huge fan - do you remember seeing our
banner in London
in May "Joey Mac Kiss My Sis? Make her life and say hi to Sarah please!
Also do you know if The McCarthys be shown in the UK ?
[–]AussieBoyJon 1 point 5 days ago
Joey, i thought your very talented and handsome, i was
wondering how tall are you, what's your shoe size, and what are your most
sensitive spots??
McIntyre 2 points 5 days ago
Jack? Is that you?
[–]Blockhead4eva 1 point 5 days ago
What's your favorite song right now?
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
At this moment... I guess I'd have to say Magic by Coldplay.
[–]stacyb45 1 point 5 days ago
Hi, Joey!!!!! Which New Kid would you like most to guest
star on The McCarthys? Why? Thanks! Love you!!!!
McIntyre 2 points 5 days ago
I think the obvious choice would be Donnie, and his
character on Blue Bloods, coming up to Boston
and making an arrest.
[–]danascherry 1 point 5 days ago
Did you ever see yourself doing a sitcom?
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
Yeah, maybe this Thursday night...
[–]danascherry 1 point 5 days ago
Got it. See you then! 👍
[–]kookie9200 1 point 5 days ago
Is there any musical artist or actor that you've worked with
that you just don't like? No names needed.
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
I haven't always gotten along with everybody I've worked
with, but now that you mention it, it always ended well. Kudos to me.
[–]MinnesotaCJ 1 point 5 days ago
Because I didn't get to ask you this when I saw you at the
McCarthy's taping a couple weeks ago, how is your mom doing? Do you still plan
to stay active in Alzheimer's prevention movements? xoxo
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
My mom is good, relatively speaking. She's deep in the
stages of Alzheimer's and dementia, but she still has moments of awareness and
energy. And she still has her quick wit and her smile. And yes, I intend to do
more work for the Alzheimer's association. And look forward to doing so very
[–]Parkergirl 1 point 5 days ago
Its great to hear that u loved the small intimate shows in Europe . We enjoyed it 2 :) what part do you like most of
your role in Mc Carthy's. Character part i mean?
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
He's always very opinionated, and a little harsh. I think he
does have a heart, and he believes in eventually doing the right thing.
[–]lilyskies 1 point 5 days ago
Will you 'tread the boards' again? What's been your
favourite theatre experience?
[–]nkotbgal21 1 point 5 days ago
Would u rather do movies or tv series? As long as I get to
see those pretty eyes on my screen i'll b happy but also hoping to see you
again. Miss your hugs :)
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
Eh, I think TV series, if I had to decide.
[–]nkotbgal21 1 point 5 days ago
[–]Chrissie6012 1 point 5 days ago
How do you decide who to follow on Twitter in terms of fans?
Btw, my Twitter handle is @christi30623389 😘
[–]sylvestrie 1 point 5 days ago
I saw you on Kelly & Michael this morning talking about
your kids' halloween costumes, what is the craziest costume you have donned for
McIntyre 2 points 5 days ago
OOh! I wore, I was like, sort of like a Spinal Tap rockstar,
like REALLY, really way too skinny leather pants, and wore a really tight
girl's shirt that ended up being a half-shirt, but what I was struck by most is
that no one batted an eyelash at the party. I kept thinking "Why is no one
laughing at me?"
I guess I wore it well.
[–]sylvestrie 1 point 5 days ago
missed calling maybe? haha
[–]TaraMac_21 1 point 5 days ago
Hearing you talk about a solo tour gives me the chills...
Not that I don't love you with NKOTB or acting but you on a stage, singing your
heart out with such raw emotion doesn't compare to anything else! Have you had
any time to write any music, or do you have future plans to write? (P.S. Love
ya!! xoxo)
[–]RobertaMcNkotb 1 point 5 days ago
Hy Joey!I don't see The McCarthy show cause I live in
Italy...😔😔😔But i follow you and Nkotb since the 1994 and i'm proud that i'm
your fun! Really ! My question is : when you come in Italy ?? With Nkotb ? Or not? 😊😊we're
waiting for you ❤️❤️❤️
McIntyre 2 points 5 days ago
Call Danny.
[–]DGAnew14 1 point 5 days ago
@reddit_AMA @joeymcintyre Any chance for you to visit FL for
McCarthy's promos, NKOTB events or fundraisers in the near future?
[–]Sucknectar 1 point 5 days ago
I'm prob not going to be able to cruise again unless I can
win it, can you guys please have lots of cruise contests & raffles;)
???gotta get that selfie with you, ;)
McIntyre 2 points 5 days ago
Call Danny.
[–]Sucknectar 1 point 5 days ago
Ok, I'll get on that right away! Thanks ;)
[–]sunny-77 1 point 5 days ago
Joe!!! Do you still have Duncan dog??
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
[–]Frasierfan 1 point 5 days ago
Joey, what makes you laugh & what's your biggest
McIntyre 2 points 5 days ago
Lack of sleep. It makes me laugh!
Biggest weakness: lack of sleep. Sorry. It's a little too
cute, but it's true.
[–]MinnesotaCJ 1 point 5 days ago
Must be why you are so giggly today? ;)
[–]Tammi_inCO 1 point 5 days ago
Hi Joe! 🍀😈😉 The cast seems to get along very well, did
you know any of your cast mates prior to starting The McCarthy's?
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
Uh, no! How cool to know these amazing people.
[–]twisted_writer 1 point 5 days ago
Yay! I finally figured out how to register & ask a
question! :) I hope you're still here, Joe. My 7-year-old wants me to ask you
if you read to your kids a lot and what are their favorite stories? (She's a
big reader! Proud mom!) I'd like to know if YOU read a lot and want to read my
book before it's published? ;) (I actually have written a book and when it's
made into a movie, I want you for my lead character. Watch for the script in
the next few years) Love ya!
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
Oh, we read all kinds of books! One of my favorites is
"Good Night, Good Night, Construction site."
I'm reading an Andrew Jackson book by Jon Meacham.
[–]twisted_writer 1 point 5 days ago
Thanks for answering :) My daughter is telling me a story
now. We'll have to check those books out!
[–]papav123 1 point 5 days ago
Just as in any "boy band", each member has their
own talents and individual "character".... What role do you think you
played in NKOTB, and what were the others'?
[–]JoanneUK 1 point 5 days ago
Thank you Joe feel very blessed and lucky you have replied
and seen me, I get swamped on Twitter (jojoknightuk) just incase lol 😂😂😉 ,
looking forward to the McCarthys and yes your solo show in the boat was
intimate and special, ... Any other area of showbiz you like to explore?
[–]dimplejuice 1 point 5 days ago
Back in 2004, the show Bands Reunited tried to get NKOTB
together again, but some of the members like Donnie and Danny held out. It
seemed like you and Jordan were most in favor of it. Why didn't you reunite
then? Too soon? Was not the right forum (i.e. Vh1,)? Thanks.
[–]MetallicSonata 1 point 5 days ago
What do you think it is about you that inspires this kind of
decades-long frenzy?
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
I have good friends. Keep good company.
[–]Blockhead4eva 1 point 5 days ago
You have already done so much between singing, Broadway, and
acting but is there anything you haven't had the chance to do yet that you want
to do? Doesn't even have to be in the entertainment field....
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
Learn a language in the kitchen as I'm taking a cooking
[–]c0reyann 1 point 5 days ago*
1) Are you ever going to release the CD from Vegas (the one
with Eman, not NKOTB)?
2) Griffin
was absolutely freaking adorable during your Walk of Fame ceremony, so
respectful and proud. Your kids are lovely! Oh and crap I don't mean this in a
creepy stalker fan way, they are just all really cute and well behaved.
McIntyre 2 points 5 days ago
1) probably not.
2) They don't spend enough time with us.
[–]Parkergirl 1 point 5 days ago
Thank u for doing this chat. Is there any chance to do
friday twitter Chats again like in early years?
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
when did I do that?
[–]sylvestrie 1 point 5 days ago
Now that you are on the McCarthys, it would be fun to see
another MA Men. Ever thought about doing another part to that skit? (I know,
its been forever but those were amazing!)
[–]page_mathews 1 point 5 days ago
Joey, are you ticklish anywhere? If so where? I hope I
didn't miss you!!! LOVE! :)))
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
Sure. Um, you know. Here and there.
[–]missamandarahl 1 point 5 days ago
I love this question! Can I ask, what are yur worst spots? I
promise to keep it a secret! ;)
[–]richardwrinkle 1 point 5 days ago
Who wins this arm-wrestling match? Danny Wood vs. you and
Jordan Knight at the same time….
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
Me and Jordan.
[–]richardwrinkle 1 point 5 days ago
HUGE fan here! What was toughest about being on tour back in
the day? I remember when you were hangin tough and had to take it step by step.
I had a funny feeling you guys got the right stuff.
[–]fearofassassins 1 point 5 days ago
Are you afraid of assassins?
McIntyre 2 points 5 days ago
Oh god! Not until now, gee thanks.
[–]lilyskies 1 point 5 days ago
I think you'd make an amazing Disney Prince or bug... What's
next on Joe Mac's bucket list to achieve & conquer? xoxo
McIntyre 2 points 5 days ago
Maybe a revolutionary tale - Joey McIntyre is... Paul Revere
in... "The British AREN'T coming." Oh, I don't know.
[–]richardwrinkle 1 point 5 days ago
What is it like to be mentioned in the same breath as some
of the all-time great groups like Hanson, 98 Degrees, and the Jonas Brothers?
[–]richardwrinkle 1 point 5 days ago
Which set of fans are crazier? Your fans from the early
1990’s or your fans from your joint tour with the Backstreet Boys?
McIntyre 2 points 5 days ago
I'd say back in the day, then. To that specific question.
[–]iamsofie101 1 point 5 days ago
Oh shoot!! Did I miss Joey? Are you still here? Will you
ever bring "The Kid" to So Cal??????????????? Love ya Joey!!! xoxo
[–]stacyb45 1 point 5 days ago
What are you going to be for Halloween this year? I'm
thinking Olaf! I know your kids love Frozen. It would be perfect! hugs
[–]abs1399 1 point 5 days ago
Will there be a McCarthy's/Blue Bloods crossover? ;)
[–]nickdaisy 1 point 5 days ago
You seem like a really kind person
Would you please say something mean about another celebrity?
And don't give us someone easy like OJ Simpson or Rob Ford. Say something mean
about Sandra Bullock or the President.
Prove that you're not such a nice guy.
[–]TaraMac_21 1 point 5 days ago
This reddit chat is not easy to keep up with, I'm definitely
going to have to go back and read or I'll miss a witty Joe comment!
Joe, I know you are twitter-absent most of the time (haha!).
Do you gravitate one towards social media outlet easier over another (i.e.
blogs, instagram, twitter, FB)?
[–]drocks27 1 point 5 days ago
Was it hard being the youngest member of NKOB? How did all
of you stay so grounded as well?
[–]QDax 1 point 5 days ago
Boxers or Briefs?
[–]DGAnew14 1 point 5 days ago
Do your kids like to travel with you? Your favorite place to
[–]JoanneUK 1 point 5 days ago
Is there anything else you would like to add to your career?
Actor , singer, musicals I also get lost in Twitter feed (jojoknightuk) , while
my dad had chemo I showed him a clip of McCarthys he laughed out loud, is it
funny filming as it is coming across?
[–]Pimping_NZ 1 point 5 days ago
Hey Joey big fan. Anyways, I saw on your Twitter that you
ran what seemed like a marathon. How was that?
[–]lmanders32 1 point 5 days ago
What is the craziest thing a fan has said to you?
[–]lmanders32 1 point 5 days ago
When you guys wrote "Bye, Bye, Bye" did you know
how huge of a hit it was going to be?
[–]Parkergirl 1 point 5 days ago
If u had a favorite role 2 choose. What would u like to
play? Comedy, Musical, Drama or Thriller?
[–]missamandarahl 1 point 5 days ago
Joey, do you have any pet peeves? If so what? :)
[–]Sucknectar 1 point 5 days ago
Any thoughts about doing any special Christmas shows again?
Your private show was an all time favorite:) I'm pulling out your Christmas
album already;)
[–]QDax 1 point 5 days ago
What is your favorite Halloween treat? What is your favorite
[–]QDax 1 point 5 days ago
If Gerard had an evil twin, would he be like 'Rogah?' from
Funny or Die? :-)
[–]MinnesotaCJ 1 point 5 days ago
What is something you often feel misunderstood about? And I
just want to say that your sarcasm (while you feel is too much sometimes), is
one of the most endearing things about you. Don't tone it down too much ok? :)
[–]Raqqers 1 point 5 days ago
Word of the day?
[–]ddubgirl1980 1 point 5 days ago
Do you do any other work outs besides running to stay in
such fine, physical shape?
[–]Chrissie6012 1 point 5 days ago
Will you be doing another marathon in the near future to
raise funds/awareness to Alzheimer's? Thank you for all you do for Alzheimer's.
I lost my Popa to Alzheimer's so I appreciate all you do for the foundation! Xo
[–]aprild515 1 point 5 days ago
It was amazing to see you perform our National Anthem at
Gillette Stadium. Is that something that you have always wanted to do?
(btw....thank you for taking a pic with me and with my son).
[–]CaptCheckdown 1 point 5 days ago
Do you ever find yourself busting out "Please Don't Go
Girl" in the shower?
[–]Blockhead4eva 1 point 5 days ago
Where is someplace you have never been but would live to go?
[–]fem78 1 point 5 days ago
You sign up for an AMA and you only answer questions for an
hour? Thats not nice :(
[–]Openingmynds 1 point 5 days ago
What are some of your favorite sitcoms past or present
(aside from The McCarthy's of course)?
[–]jayhawk1 1 point 5 days ago
What mammal holds the record for having the quickest sexual
intercourse? ; )
[–]TaraMac_21 1 point 5 days ago
How does the Bostonian McIntyre family (i.e. your brothers
& sisters, your parents, cousins, etc.) feel about the McCarthys? Do they
feel it portrays a typical Boston
family well?
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
Well, we'll see. They haven't seen it yet, so I'm sure we'll
get lots of opinions and critiques. But I think they'll enjoy it overall.
[–]dimplejuice 1 point 5 days ago
What do you think of ProTools/Auto-Tuning vs. the way NKOTB
use to record in the late 80s, early 90s?
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
Yeah, there was definitely no Auto-tuning when we were
coming up. I think it's a tool like any other, that can make a record sound
better. But we've gotten to a point where producers and people in the industry
don't want to hear anything but an auto-tuned voice. Most producers wouldn't
even think of having a note here and there that's natural, or kind of blues-y,
or bends a little bit. Which is a shame.
[–][deleted] 5 days ago
[–]ktsummer 1 point 5 days ago
If there was a movie made of your life, who would play you,
what would it be called, and would you want to see it?
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
I'd want Leonardo di Caprio, Matt Damon, and Neil Patrick
Harris all to read for the part. I'm not sure who's best for it.
"LASTED." It's not perfect, but it's different, I like that. And
would I want to see it? Yes.
[–]adub887 0 points 5 days ago
Is Victoria
trying to flirt with you?
McIntyre 6 points 5 days ago
NO! But she does seem capable.
[–]Lemme-Hold-a-Dollar 2 points 5 days ago
I wonder if she blushed.
[–]you_ruin_everything 0 points 5 days ago
Is it true you punched Harrison Ford in the back of the head
in New Orleans
like 10 years ago?
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
That's awesome, but no.
[–]you_ruin_everything 0 points 5 days ago
I thought it was Harrison .
Who did you punch?
[–]Jmunnny 0 points 5 days ago
You ruin everything.
[–]duckydoom 0 points 5 days ago
How crazy are the cruises? I went on the first BSB cruise a
few years ago, and as a fan felt incredibly guilty for how extreme the other
fans were. Don't get me wrong, I appreciated that they continue to do the
cruises and y'all are so interactive with your fans... But does it ever get to
be too much?
Joey McIntyre
1 point 5 days ago
BSB are my boys! But please don't compare our cruise to
theirs. Our cruise is four days of complete and utter love. Please come:
[–]duckydoom 1 point 5 days ago
Lol. I want to! I just felt so guilty for all of the really
intense fans, I didn't want to approach and say hi and ask for a pic! I wasn't
sure if that's as intense for you guys
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
It's incredibly intense. But we just go 150 miles per hour
for 4 and a half days straight, and we try to give the fans the time of their
life, and take it to another level every year, and every time we get on that
boat, I never know how we're going to out-do ourselves from the year before,
but somehow, we do, 'cuz we're all in it together.
[–]duckydoom 1 point 5 days ago
Well its really awesome that you do, and like I said super
appreciated that you put yourselves out there :) I will work on the husband to
see if he'll let me go on the next one :) My little brother has Down Syndrome
and idolizes you guys, so maybe we can make a family vacation out of it. Much
[–]DontPressAltF4 1 point 5 days ago
That's pretty fast for a cruise ship to be traveling, are
you sure it's safe?
[–]yikes77 0 points 5 days ago
The McCarthys was originally conceived and shot in the
single camera format before it was retooled. How do you think that serves the show
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
The multi-cam? I think the multi-cam serves the show SO much
better. Having a live audience to bounce off of , and to react with, is such a
bonus. I think the whole cast are performers at heart, and I think the
multi-cam format lets us shine in a different way.
[–]Chrissie6012 0 points 5 days ago
Do any of you play pranks on each other on set?
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
I wouldn't say we play too many pranks, but we love to bust
each other's chops in a loving, incredibly sarcastic way.
[–]Chrissie6012 1 point 5 days ago
Just like one great big happy family! ;)
[–]lisamh77 0 points 5 days ago
Filming The McCarthys and performing on stage with NKOTB
have their obvious differences.. what are some similarities? How have those
years of being on stage helped?
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
It's definitely a rush, doing both. There's something about
doing a tv show for a live audience every friday night, where everybody in the
room feels like this is exactly what they want to be doing, and there's an
excitement and a thrill when the writers come up with new changes, you're
trying new lines on the run, that's really fun. But nothing can really compare
to singing for 15,000 people in a sold-out arena. I'll take both though.
[–]lisamh77 1 point 5 days ago
Thanks for the reply! I'm an NKOTB fan from way back.. And
watching you on stage or on TV never gets old. I'll take both, too :)
[–]karaokevixen 0 points 5 days ago
What is one song you've wanted to do during Duets at Dusk
but haven't?
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
OH, that's hard, because every year I try to think of good
songs that will match the contestants and I want each person to feel
comfortable and have a good time, but also add something to the show and the
experience, so I couldn't really tell you right now, but I do put a lot of
effort and heart into deciding what songs will make it.
[–]karaokevixen 1 point 5 days ago
sigh You do an awesome job. If I ever get back on the
cruise, I'm going to submit a video and then you and I can sing "All I Ask
of You" from Phantom. Deal?
[–]lbaumgartner 0 points 5 days ago
Why is no one here?? I'm at work, saw Joey's RT, registered,
and am participating anyway. No excuses ;) What is your favorite part about the
studio audience at McCarthy's tapings? Do you enjoy the BH energy?
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
Don't worry, you have me all to yourself, keep asking
The Blockheads have added an amazing energy to our tape
nights of The McCarthy's. I know the cast loves it, and we have a blast, and
even though they're fans of mine, I consider them to be a very supportive and
mature audience.
[–]lbaumgartner 1 point 5 days ago
It was great when we went! We became fans of the entire cast
by the end of the night. Thanks for the reply! @JoeGirl4ever xo
[–]courtiebabe420 0 points 5 days ago
What has it been like translating your singing/songwriting
career into acting? Have you always wanted to act? What was it like working
with Melissa McCarthy and Sandra Bullock in The Heat (it seems like it had to
be a complete blast)?
Thanks for joining us today!
McIntyre 3 points 5 days ago
I grew up in musical theater, in community theater, so
singing, acting, performing was always in my blood - although they are 2
different crafts, I've always wanted to do both. But I've focused on acting in
a different way in the last few years, and I just had a clarify about what I
wanted to do, and I think that's one of the reasons why I'm on a show right
now. And acting in The Heat was so much fun. It was as much fun as it looked
like we were having.
And those 2 gals - Melissa and Sandra were so sweet and so
cool, and it was great to watch them work.
[–]myawesomeaccount 0 points 5 days ago
Which New Kids on the Block single would best describe your
life, I'll Be Loving You or Dirty Dawg?
McIntyre 8 points 5 days ago
[–]myawesomeaccount 2 points 5 days ago
I think I love you. We may share the same first name, but we
can make it work.
[–]darcylynn 1 point 5 days ago
I just laughed so hard at this. I needed that. :)
[–]JenLovesJoey 0 points 5 days ago
Do you have any pull for getting extras on the show? Maybe a
contest idea? :) I'd promise to behave!
McIntyre 2 points 5 days ago
Uh, maybe down the road? For now, it's kind of a small set
but I think of those kind of things and would love to get you guys involved.
So... stay tuned.
[–]lbaumgartner 1 point 5 days ago
I think that sounds like a great idea!
[–]JoanneUK 0 points 5 days ago
As a fan from UK myself and Gail would like to
know will McCarthys be shown here ? 😃
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
I think so... not exactly sure when but if it does well over
here, I'm sure it'll get over there within the year.
[–]sandra_ke 0 points 5 days ago
I loved the Kid when you were doing try-outs... Any plans to
bring it back to the theatre? (Boston
Maybe? )
McIntyre 1 point 5 days ago
Right now unfortunately I am busy with The McCarthy's and
New Kids so I don't know exactly when my schedule is going to open up to really
give the time a theater piece needs... I learned by working on that show that
there's a HUGE lead time when it comes to theater - finding the right space,
the right team, the right time, but I believe it'll happen when it's supposed
[–]sandra_ke 1 point 5 days ago
Thank you! Take your time, loving all the different things
you're doing!
[–]MissKris77 0 points 4 days ago
Hey!!! Joey. How are you doing tonight? I am a huge fan of
yours. How did NKOTB come up with the song "Please don't go girl"?
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