Friday, December 30, 2011

Jordan Knight on SWRV Takeover next Wednesday

Jordan Knight will be hosting "SWRV Takeover" on Wednesday, 1/4 at 6p ET. He will pick out and talk about some of his favorite music videos. 

Video courtesy of SWRVtv

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Article/interview with Jordan Knight from

Here is an interview with Jordan from

Remember 12?

Twelve years old and the quivering, nearly nauseous feeling that would develop in the pit of your stomach when you favorite singer came on the radio. Rhiannon Meyer, 34, remembers. “I was 12 years old, absolutely loved New Kids on the Block. I got the chance to see them concert, I was loving the music, the dancing and when they did that pelvic thrust”, she giggles like she’s right back there, “something happened, I didn’t even really know what that thrust meant, but my knees got weak and my stomach starting quivering.”

For Louisville thirty-somethings, part of that quivering feeling is coming back to town. Jordan Knight, one of the NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK - #NKOTB for the hipsters, is doing a show at The Hard Rock Café on 4th Street Live on Saturday, February 11th.

Knight has a new CD project (Unfinished) due in May, 2012 which brings about the solo tour. Tickets are on sale now. For fans like Rhiannon and her friend Erin Ryan, 27, who have been to 19 concerts and 3 New Kids Caribbean Cruises, they’ve already starting making plans.

These two ladies and other BLOCKHEADS, as they’re known, are preparing for a wild night, living and re-living those teenage dreams. Something I talked to Jordan Knight about by phone.

I wondered if, after all these years, the fanatical nature of the fans surprised him?

“Our fans are the best, I think we’re part of that time in their life when things were simpler, but we also attract new fans.”

Excited to be doing your own tour?

"Well, in between dates on the BIG TOUR, which starts up again in April, 2012. I’m getting a chance to do some shows on my own, and I love it. I get to do songs that I would never get a chance to do with the guys. And, it’s chance for fans to get UP CLOSE and Personal", he added with a laugh.

Is this a stripped down, acoustic show?

"NO, NO, NO - I’ll have a Full Band, Dancers – it will be a party!"

This is your first solo project in 5 years, is there a story behind the name?

“One of the reasons the album is titled Unfinished is I’ve been working on it for a year and a half,” he explains. “But it’s also about realizing that even when people count you out, even when they say you’re finished, you’re not. As long as you’re alive, your life is never finished. You can always learn something new. You can always grow. You can always learn a new craft, a new art, you can always take what you do and breathe new life into it. It’s a hopeful message.”

You (and NKOTB/BSB) were just here at the KFC Yum Center in the summer, how was that?

"It was a blast that arena was amazing, I love coming to Kentucky and can't wait to get back!"

The tickets for Jordan Knight at the Hard Rock Cafe are extremely limited, so If you relive that 12 year old crush, get your tickets today!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

NKOTB News for December 28

Rachael Ray talks about Donnie's enthusiasm for cooking in an article from

Donnie Wahlberg, he so sincerely wanted me to show him how to make a meal, like the whole meal, from start to finish because he’s always wanted to have that. Because one of his brothers is a chef, and he’s always wanted to be able to go into a kitchen and feel “Okay, I at least know how to make one meal. This is like my thing.”

Otherwise not much else to report other than according to Twitter...

Jonathan is enjoying a vacation in Anguilla...

Danny is enjoying the Christmas season with his family and took his girls to see "War Horse" and "We Bought a Zoo"...

Jordan is busy rehearsing for his upcoming shows...

(photo from @KeithSilva21)
... And also shopping for some new glasses

Donnie wishes his Twitter followers Happy Hump Day from "parts unknown"...

And Joey recently wrote a new blog about Christmas on his website:

Listening to my all time favorite Christmas album- Acoustic Christmas by "Various Artists"- so good and brings back so many Christmas memories of Old Green Hill, my house just outside of Boston I lived in for most of my very young adult life. Whoa, there were some good moments in that old shack, but some scary ones too. But Christmases there were always meaningful. Some blue and wintery and others like a wonderland. I would listen to that album on repeat and decorate the tree or trees in my house- it was a bit of a rambling house. But now I'm in LA- a world apart in so many ways...especially at Christmas. The last few days Griffin has been saying "I wanna go to Boston for Christmas." A big part of me loves hearing him say that. I used to be homesick at this time of year, but now this is where my own special family is. Maybe we'll get back for a few Christmases in years to come, but for now we're are just fine in LA. We have family and friends here- the holidays are maybe a little simpler but there's nothing wrong with that. They are no less exhausting however with three kids. So I'm gonna sign off because we have to get ready for Santa! I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas. Thank you so much for helping make my life full of so many wonderful gifts. Merry Christmas, everybody! xoxo-jm

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Watch Joey McIntyre interview about recording "Not Over You"

Here is an interview from Dave Harris' Facebook Page that Joey did in which he talks about his new song "Not Over You" with Ashlyne Huff. The song was written by Dave Harris and Rob Thomas. The song will be a part of a compilation CD to benefit the David Lynch Foundation.

Update: Video has been deleted, does anyone have it saved? 

New song by Joey McIntyre and Ashlyne Huff

Joey recorded a new song called "Not Over You" with Ashlyne Huff. The song will be a part of a compilation CD to benefit the David Lynch Foundation and it was written by Dave Harris and Rob Thomas (from Matchbox 20).

Monday, December 26, 2011

Joey McIntyre interviewed by

Here is an interview Joey did with
He lives with his wife and kids in LA, but Joey McIntyre remains one beloved Boston boy. At 38, the Jamaica Plain-raised musician makes grown women swoon like the teenage girls who worshipped his poster during New Kids on the Block's '80s heyday. That was the scene when he stopped by Woodward at the Ames Hotel to play an intimate set from his new holiday album, Come Home for Christmas, after his public performance for the city's Christmas tree lighting. We chatted with him about his busy year touring with the Backstreet Boys (as part of the boy-band super-group NKOTBSB) and recent television work on Psych and CSI. He also has a small role in New Year's Eve, the new flick starring Sarah Jessica Parker, Ashton Kutcher, and just about everyone else in Hollywood. But NYE is a big day for him off-screen, too. December 31 is McIntyre's birthday, and this New Kid is counting down to the last year of his 30s.

How was it being back in Boston for the tree lighting?
It was a great way to kick off the season. You appreciate it all so much more when you're older - especially having kids and wanting them to have Boston in their lives.

What do you miss most about Boston?
Jamaica Pond. And the Golden Temple Mai Tai. You know, that place in Brookline? But not the regular mai tai! The Golden Temple Mai Tai.

Why was this the year for a holiday album?
I got off the road in August from the NKOTBSB tour. It was amazing, loads of fun. Then I came home and jumped into daddy land. But creatively, I got itchy. I had this album on the back burner for a while. . . . So I jumped right into it with Rob Lewis, our musical director from the tour. I decided to do it in October, which is rushing it, but in this digital age I was able to turn it around in time. I'm really proud of it.

How was it touring with the New Kids again?
It's been a huge blessing to work with those guys again. You relive some of the tough parts, too, but as an adult. Imagine all that stuff you went through with friends as a teenager or in college, all that shit you went through - then to come back 15 years later and go, "Okay, how would I work that out again?" I bet everyone has that experience: you get back with your friends, and even though you're totally different people, the dynamic is the same. That's kind of how it was. Luckily, we're great friends.

Was there some sense of boy-band fraternity with the Backstreet Boys?
Absolutely. There's a soldier vibe, like, "This guy did a few tours." You know what I mean? There's kind of a weathered vibe to us. . . . Both groups have seen it all and been around long enough to know that it was an awesome opportunity to do it the way we did it again. There was a lot of gratitude.

The tour hits Europe and Australia in 2012. Any new music coming?
We just started talking about that. I think new music would keep it fresh, and fans would be excited. Everyone has to stay excited. The minute we're doing stuff just because we can, it's going to show.

How'd you wind up in New Year's Eve?
I was hoping for this one role, and when I finally asked [director Garry Marshall], it was New Year's Eve last year. . . . I said, "There's a part in the movie where, if Matt Damon's not available, I'm your guy." Next thing you know, I get an offer. Then I read the rest of the email and was like, "Who's this? What role is this?" [Laughs] Anyway, it's a great role [and] a great movie to be part of. Plus, with the Psych thing and CSI, I'm focusing on the acting in a way that I haven't.

You'll be 39 on December 31. So what's the biggest lesson learned in your 30s?
What am I trying to learn is more like it. Well, that you can never be too kind - and that takes a lot of effort sometimes. That sarcasm doesn't really work. And that I always have more time than I think I do.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

More Jordan Knight Live and Unfinished Shows

Here are the latest Jordan Knight concert announcements from his posts on Twitter:

ATLANTA!!! Thursday Feb 9th, Jordan Knight: Live & Unfinished...Loft @ Center Stage. On Sale Monday 12/26 @ 10AM EST

LOUISVILLE!!! Saturday Feb 11th, Jordan Knight: Live & Unfinished...Hard Rock Cafe! On sale Monday 12/26 @ 10AM EST

TORONTO 2nd SHOW! Thursday Feb 16th, Jordan Knight: Live & Unfinished. The Opera House. On Sale Monday 12/26 @10AM EST

LINCOLNSHIRE, IL! Saturday Jan 28th, Jordan Knight: Live & Unfinished. Viper Alley. On Sale Friday 12/30 @ 10AM CST

Working on other cities for March including west coast!!.. more to come in the following weeks...

Friday, December 23, 2011

Watch Joey McIntyre and Mario Cantone on The View

Here is the video of Joey and Mario Cantone on The View from this morning:

Video courtesy of yikes77

Jordan Knight in Atlanta on February 9

Jordan will be making a stop in Atlanta on February 9!

Here are the details:
Show date: Feb. 9, 2012
Location: The Loft (1374 West Peachtree Street Northwest, Atlanta, GA)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Joey McIntyre interview with Celebrity Baby Scoop

Joey did an Interview with Celebrity Baby Scoop where he talks about his kids and what is coming up for the New Kids:

Joey McIntyre, the youngest member of New Kids on the Block, joined Keith Lockhart and members of the Boston Pops to spread holiday cheer among patients and their families at Children’s Hospital Boston on Tuesday (December 20).

The father of three kids - sons Griffin, 4, Rhys, 2, and daughter Kira, 6 months - opened up to Celebrity Baby Scoop about the "gratifying" experience, his daughter who has just started crawling, his sons who "love" having a baby sister, and the upcoming NKOTB and BSB tours: "The Comeback continues."

CBS: Tell us about partnering with Keith Lockhart and the Boston Pops for a special concert at the Children's Hospital Boston.

JM: "It is a double whammy - a privilege to sing with the Pops and more so to do it for the kids and families that can enjoy a break from the stress of being in a hospital. Meeting these kids and their parents is very grounding, but you are really lifted up by their strength and complete devotion to their children."

CBS: What did it mean to you to spread holiday cheer among patients and their families?

JM: "It was gratifying. One patient actually had just had to miss a performance of the Pops because he wasn't feeling well enough. And two days later there in his room were horn players from the Pops playing Christmas music for him."

CBS: Congratulations on recently welcoming your baby girl Kira Katherine! How is she doing?

JM: "Kira is doing great. She's basically crawling, which came after about a month of her doing 'downward and upward dog' yoga movements. She sees her big brothers doing so much that she is ready to get rolling with them."

CBS: How are your sons with baby Kira?

JM: "They love her. My 2-year-old is extra sweet with her, getting into her face with big soft 'Hiiiii!! Yah...' He calls Kira 'Yah.' My 4-year-old and Kira I think are going to be quite the tandem. A fierce relationship is brewing already."

CBS: What's up next for you? Can we expect more tours/albums from NKOTB in the future?

JM: "NKOTB and BSB will be touring Europe and Asia and Australia in the spring and we are talking about some summer dates in the US as well. The Comeback continues."

CBS: Do you and your fellow NKOTB bandmates get together with your families over the holidays?

JM: "We are all pretty spread out so not really, but I spent some time with Jordan as he sang a duet on my Christmas album. And spent sometime with Jon and Donnie. But to be sure, we are a 'family' so we check in during the holidays."

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Video of Joey McIntyre and Boston Pops Holiday Performance at Children's Hospital Boston

Here is a video of Joey performing with the Boston Pops at the Children's Hospital:

Video courtesy of ChildrensHospitalBos

Boston Herald article about Joey McIntyre at Children’s Hospital Boston

Here is an article from the Boston Herald about Joey McIntyre at Children’s Hospital Boston:

Making spirits bright for kids

Children’s Hospital Boston had a big case of the holly jollies yesterday when New Kids kid Joey McIntyre joined the Boston Pops and Keith Lockhart for a special holiday sing-along and concert for the wee patients and their parents.

Joey Mac, who flew home to Boston from La-La for a command Christmas concert at Children’s and a gig at Symphony Hall, crooned “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” and “O Holy Night” and then led the audience in a merry music medley with the maestro...

Boston Globe article: Joey McIntyre is in the Holiday Spirit

The Boston Globe mentioned Joey's recent appearances:

Joey McIntyre and guest conductor Sierra Tourville of Stratham, N.H., entertained patients at Children’s Hospital Boston

It figures Joey McIntyre would be back in town. After all, his new CD is called “Come Home for Christmas.’’ The New Kid spent yesterday crooning carols with Keith Lockhart and the Boston Pops, first at Children’s Hospital Boston and, later, at Symphony Hall. “My first time with the Pops,’’ McIntyre told us. “It was on the bucket list.’’ Unfortunately, Joey Mac appeared without his secret weapon - 4-year-old son, Griffin, who sings with dad on the new CD. “He’s a natural,’’ said Joey, who was a teen when he hit it big with NKOTB. McIntyre revealed he’s also getting back into acting, having appeared on a recent episode of “CSI’’ and in the movie “New Year’s Eve.’’ (“Me and half of Hollywood,’’ joked Joey.) But with a wife and three small children at home, he’s choosing projects carefully. “The thing is, it’s got to be right because it’s such a huge commitment,’’ he said. “Everyone thinks, ‘Oh, TV!’ But it’s a lot of work and really unglamorous.’’ And what about the New Kids? “Time magazine named us the number two comeback of the year - Newt Gingrich was number three and Gabby Gifford was number one. If it (was) me, I’d think, ‘What has the world come to?’ ’’

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Joey McIntyre on WHDH 7 News

Joey performed with the Boston Pops at Children's hospital this afternoon, and here is a news report about the event from WHDH 7 News:

Update: Video has been deleted, does anyone have it saved?

Joey McIntyre interview with WBZ Boston

Joey did a short interview the local CBS station in Boston where he talks about why he is performing for the kids at the Children’s Hospital.

Click here to listen!

Interview with Joey McIntyre on Kiss 108

Joey did an interview with Kiss 108 in Boston this morning. Listen to the interview below!

Monday, December 19, 2011

NKOTB News for December 19

Here is a video Joey shared of him and his family trying to get the star on top of the Christmas tree:

Joey is singing with the Boston Pops at Symphony Hall tomorrow (December 20) at the matinee show at 4 pm. You can buy tickets at

Joey attended AJ McLean's wedding in Los Angeles over the weekend (Boston Globe article)

Jim Harrington of the Oakland Tribune rated the NKOTBSB concert the #1 show of 2011.

Jordan has added a new "Let's Go Higher" shirt to his online store.

Jordan had try-outs for his backup dancers yesterday. Here is a photo from KeithSilva21 on Twitter:

Here is a photo of Jordan signing his calendars that he shared yesterday:

Here are some fan videos of Joey and Jordan at the Chum FM Christmas Wish Breakfast:

Video courtesy of planetpatricia

Video courtesy of Natasha80x

Video courtesy of Natasha80x

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Jordan Knight interview with Adelaide Now

Here is a short article/interview with Jordan from Adelaide Now:

THEIR Australian tour isn't until May next year, but New Kids On The Block lead singer Jordan Knight is already getting excited about his visit to Adelaide.

"Americans when they think of Australia, they think of kangaroos and great white sharks," Jordan said this week. "But we have been to Australia and Adelaide before, and it was the most beautiful country we have been to. The people were so beautiful inside and out, so I'm looking forward to getting back there."

However, Jordan (inset in his 80s heyday) did admit that after almost 30 years of touring, some things have changed for the boy band.

"I guess we're a lot tamer then we were in the '80s and '90s, we can't party like we used to, we're much more responsible," he said. "In fact when I'm off tour, I actually feel worse then when I'm on tour. My body slows down and everything settles in - that's when it's really tough."

The show, which the band is double headlining with the Backstreet Boys, will be the largest NKOTB tour to date, but it was their support act on the 2008 reunion tour that went on to become one of the world's biggest stars.

"Lady Gaga was our support act and she wasn't famous, but she was exactly the same as she is now," Jordan said. "She came in like she was famous. She actually was on our record and after that she just blew up, not that I'm saying we're responsible for all her success . . . but you know" Perhaps some of Gaga's over-the-top stage antics have left their mark on the boy band, with Jordan promising a show of spectacular proportions.

"There's a lot of times where all nine of us are on stage together and there's loads of big dance numbers and a bit of a battle between both boy bands," he said.

Jordan Knight concerts in Dallas and Houston: dates and on sale info

Here are some more details about Jordan's concerts that go on sale today:

February 24 at Stereo Live Houston, TX
On sale at 10am CST December 17

February 25 at Lakewood Theater Dallas, TX
On sale at 10am CST December 17 (including VIP Packages) 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Jordan Knight tickets for Houston and Dallas on sale tomorrow

Jordan will be coming to Houston and Dallas on his solo tour.  Sorry no dates yet - but here is what Jordan posted on Twitter:

Dallas and Houston... JK Live and Unfinished tickets on sale tomorrow 10am!!! See you soon! yeeeehaw!! Go to
He also posted:

Louisville....havin some technical difficulties here, hold tight, most likely will NOT be tonight for on sale :( but I'll still be there!!

Jordan Knight and Joey McIntyre on CP24

Here is video of Jordan and Joey at the Chum FM Christmas Breakfast from CP24 News:

Video courtesy of yikes77

Jordan Knight and Joey McIntyre on CHUM FM Christmas Wish Breakfast

Here are a couple of videos of Jordan and Joey on Chum FM!

Video courtesy of Natasha80x

Watch Clips of Joey McIntyre Show in NYC

Here are some videos from Joey's performance in NY on Wednesday night:

Joey McIntyre & Mario Cantone perform Baby It's Cold Outside

Video courtesy of kcoza

Joey McIntyre Sasha Allen perform As Long As You're Mine

Video courtesy of jerzeystar09

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

Video courtesy of jerzeystar09

Jingle Bells

Video courtesy of jerzeystar09

O Holy Night

Video courtesy of schri410

Thursday, December 15, 2011

New NKOTBSB and Jordan Knight Tour dates

NKOTBSB will be coming to MEIS Ancol in Jakarta, Indonesia on June 1st 2012! Tickets go on sale to the general public on Friday, December 23rd at 1pm WIT and Block Nation tickets go on sale on Tuesday, December 20th.

Jordan has also announced some new tour dates that go on sale tomorrow (December 16):

Nashville: February 10 (on sale tomorrow 8am)
Louisville: February 11 (on sale tomorrow 7pm)
Toronto: February 17 (on sale tomorrow 10am)
(Links to purchase tickets will be posted on

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Watch Donnie Wahlberg on The Talk

Here is the video of Donnie on The Talk. He talks about texting and driving, being a from Boston and playing a NY police officer, having hopes and dreams as a kid, his dad, and more.

Joey McIntyre on Fox 5

Here is a video of Joey on Fox 5 in New York:

Video courtesy of New Kids News

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Listen to Jordan Knight on KDWB

Jordan did an interview with KDWB this morning! Listen to the interview below!

Video courtesy of couthie

Monday, December 12, 2011

Jordan Knight on KDWB tomorrow

Jordan will be doing an interview on KDWB tomorrow at 8:20AM (Central time). You can listen online here.

Listen to Jordan Knight on Lite 93.9

Jordan was interviewed on Lite 93.9 in Chicago today. 

 Update: Interview has been deleted, does anyone have it saved?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Jordan Knight in Minneapolis on January 26

Jordan has announced a show in Minneapolis! Here are his tweets with the details:
Tomorrow morning at 10am, tickets for Jordan Knight: Live and Unfinished, will be going on sale for the city of Minneapolis!!!!
I'll be performing LIVE with full band at The Cabooze Minneapolis, MN Thu, January 26, 2012 7:00 PM doors!
Get your tickets at events page tomorrow morning!!!

Jordan Knight in Chicago on January 27th

Jordan will be performing in Joliet, Illinois on January 27th.  Here is what he wrote on Twitter:

OK all, here's the deal. Tomorrow morning at 8 am, Tickets are going on sale for Jordan Knight: Live and Unfinished in Chicago.

The show is Friday January 27th at MoeJoe's In Joliet, Illinois. Visit the events page at for the ticket link.

I will tweet the link in the morning!

VIP wil not be on sale tomorrow. I'll give you the exact date and time those will go on sale. When I find out, you will find out.

More dates and cities to follow.

VIP tickets will be an upgrade...If you don't get tickets, you can't get VIP.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

NKOTB News for December 10

According to abolea on Twitter, Joey will be on "The View" next week and it will air on December 23rd. (Also, check out her Twitter page for videos from the show last night.)

Here are some more videos of Joey's performance in LA last night:

Video courtesy of MultiChabeli

Video courtesy of yvettemadrid

Video courtesy of socalgurl01

Video courtesy of socalgurl01

Video courtesy of socalgurl01

Jordan tweeted this today:
Chicago be sure to listen to Valentine In The Morning Monday on 93.9 Lite FM for my special announcement!!!

Friday, December 9, 2011

NKOTB News for December 9th

NKOTBSB is #2 on the Top 10 Comebacks of 2011 from TIME Magazine.

NKOTBSB was also the 17th highest grossing concert of the year according to Billboard. They sold out 22 of their 51 shows, the shows were seen by 609,426 fans and it grossed over $40 Million.

Sean McMann from the PoughkeepsieJournal, reviewed Joey's album "Come Home For Christmas":
Have yourself a very New Kids Christmas this year with the youngest New Kids On The Block’s newest holiday offering. Joey McIntyre (I always have hard time calling a 38-year-old guy “Joey”) has released “Come Home for Christmas,” his new CD of Christmas standards. From “Jingle Bells” and “Winter Wonderland,” to “O Holy Night” and “O Come All Ye Faithful,” Joe’s CD is a great mix of both secular and religious Christmas songs we all know and love. My favorite is a collaboration with fellow New Kid Jordan Knight on “Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy,” the classic duet made famous by Bing Crosby and David Bowie back in 1977. For longtime New Kids fans like me, it’s the closest thing we’ve gotten to a full NKOTB Christmas recording since the group’s 1989 release “Merry, Merry Christmas.”
Looking for a new take on some of the most loved Christmas songs of all-time? Then let Joe “Come Home” to your iPod or CD player this December!
Donnie is trying to get Blue Bloods actress Sami Gayle 5000 Twitter followers. Here is a photo Donnie showing her how to use Twitter:

Joey McIntyre in concert tonight in LA

Joey is going to have a concert in Los Angeles tonight. Here's the info from his tweet:

Friday nite 12/09-JM w/RL at 1735 vine st. -Venue: Bardot Hollywood . Doors at 8 pm. $20.00 at the door. Be there if ur naughty or nice! xo

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Donnie Wahlberg on The Talk on December 14

According to, Donnie will be making an appearance on The Talk next Wednesday, December 14. The episode will be part of a week of Holiday-Themed Episodes Originating from The Grand Foyer of Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center in New York City.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

NKOTB News for December 6

NKOTBSB will be coming to the Burswood Dome in Perth, Australia on May 29th 2012! Tickets go on sale to the general public on Friday, December 16th at 9am WST. Pre-sales for Block Nation members are on Thursday, December 8th. Check out for more details.

Joey will be making an appearance in LA on Friday... here's a Tweet from Joey:

Looking more and more like we'll have a holiday get together this Friday Dec 9 in Los Angeles... Working on the details. Cool??

Donnie was not a big fan of his wardrobe for today's scene in Blue Bloods.

Joey McIntyre interviewed by LA Times at New Years Eve premiere

Joey McIntyre talks to LA Times reporter Amy Kaufman at the premiere of "New Year's Eve."

Monday, December 5, 2011

Joey McIntyre at the New Year's Eve movie premiere

Getty Images posted a few photos of Joey at tonight's premiere of "New Year's Eve" at Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood.

You can also watch a repeat of the red carpet arrivals for the New Year's Eve movie premiere at

Boston Herald Reviews "Come Home For Christmas"

Here is a review of Joey's Christmas album from the Boaton Herald:

“Come Home for Christmas,” Joey McIntyre (2 Candy Canes) — New Kid Joey Mac is having fun here (something too many forget to do on Christmas albums). And he’s got great pipes — he goes all Josh Groban on “O Come All Ye Faithful.”

Friday, December 2, 2011

NKOTB News for December 2

Here is an article from about Joey in Boston yesterday:

Boston lit its official Christmas tree on the Common last night, and New Kid on the Block Joey McIntyre was there to serenade the crowd. The singer, who has a new Christmas album, arrived early to collect toys on behalf of the Home for Little Wanderers, and went to Woodward at the Ames later on to perform songs for group of lucky fans.

Here are some videos from Joey's "extra special Boston show" 

Video courtesy of MaryBeth603

And the afterparty...

Video courtesy of Daphydoo77

Jordan's 2012 calendar will be shipping soon. Here is a preview image:

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Jordan Knight's interview with 107.6 Juice FM

Here is an interview Jordan did with 107.6 Juice FM in Liverpool to promote the NKOTSB tour in Europe.

Video courtesy of couthie

Watch Joey McIntyre Perform at Holiday Lights in Boston

Here is Joey's performance at tonight's Boston Tree Lighting, featuring appearances by Jordan and Jonathan.

Video courtesy of Megz237

Enter to win tickets to the NKOTB Cruise

Dancing for Hope (a charity event to benefit St. Mary's Center) will be returning to The Estate nightclub on Saturday, February 4, 2012. For the last couple years, Jordan has donated a raffle ticket to the NKOTB Cruise, and it looks like he did again this year. It is for one cabin (double occupancy) and does not include transportation to the port.

Update: contest is closed.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

NKOTB News for November 30

Here is a photo Joey shared of him and his sons at the airport heading to Boston.

Here is a short article from Contact Music about Joey and his sister Carol:

New Kids On The Block star Joey Mcintyre has teamed up with his big sister to record a track on his new holiday album.

The singer used to perform with his sibling, Carol, when he was a kid and she was the first person he asked to join him in the studio while recording festive tunes for Come Home For Christmas.

The McIntyres, who share the same New Year's Eve birthday 10 years apart, collaborated on festive standard Do You Hear What I Hear?

The pop star says, "It was very special to sing with my sister. I would not have been where I am in my career without her first holding my hand and leading me on stage. It made performing a very safe and natural experience. And now the stage is home to me.

"I have to say we sound great together on Do You Hear What I Hear?"

Joey McIntyre interview with

Here is an interview with Joey from

With his COME HOME FOR CHRISTMAS due out today, singer, songwriter and performer JOEY McINTYRE talks about holiday traditions, his Boston upbringing in a house of nine children, his NKOTB roots and his duet with Mario Cantone on “Baby, It’s Cold Outside.”

You’ve done quite a lot to this point in your career. Why did you decide to make a Christmas record now?

JM: Well, to be honest I was itchy, creatively. I had been off the road for a couple of months and wanted to make a record. And “my Christmas album” has always had a prominent place on the back burner. It was in late September this year that I decided to do it and I just went for it. I knew time was tight, but if God was ever gonna help me out on a record, I figured it would be this one. I was lucky enough to have my producing partner Rob Lewis for this. Together we started on the same page and jumped right in.

This CD really seems to be a labor of love for you with you self-producing and self-releasing. How has the process been for you to be the artist, producer and label?

JM: I feel a sense of pride with this album that I haven’t felt with other albums I made. I am always very hands on in the creating of my music and writing. But these songs are special and I think I handled them with great care. From a producing side, I feel that I molded this with my hands.

You sing a duet with your sister Carol, with whom you say you sang your first onstage duet. Were you raised in a musical household? What was it like to sing with her again?

JM: It was very special to sing with my sister. I would not have been where I am in my career without her first holding my hand and leading me on stage. It made performing a very safe and natural experience. And now the stage is home to me. I have to say we sound great together on “Do You Hear What I Hear.” We have the same birthday (New Year’s Eve) ten years apart, we look alike and we sound a lot alike too

You come from a large family, are there any special holiday traditions or memories that stand out from your childhood?

JM: The holiday theme in a house full of nine kids in Boston was “survival of the fittest.” It was like a platoon camped out in our living room. But we were lucky to have each other. There were lots of good times, in between all the fights.

Let’s talk for a minute about the other duets with Jordan and Mario. How were those songs decided on?

JM: Well, I sang “Peace on Earth” with my sister Carol before and always loved singing the song. I thought it would be a nice match for me and Jordan. I was afraid that Jordan might not like it, but he thought it was cool and maybe a little off the beaten track of Christmas songs. Jordan suggested that we share the lead part that was once sung by David Bowie. I like how it turned out–true to the standard but modern enough.

And with Mario, I just knew a version of “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” would be a hoot. (I call him Buddy instead of Baby in this rendition.) Mario is a powerhouse. He’s done it all. We both love to perform and “go for it,” so it was a real thrill to see it come together.

Your versions of many of these holiday classics evoke classic renditions, yet they sound modern and updated. How did you decide on which songs to record?

JM: There are a ton of songs to pick from, but I think the song list came from a comfort level I have with them. These songs kind of roll off my tongue…or off my heart.

What was the recording process like? Did you set a mood in the studio to make it feel Christmas-y?

JM: Well, the cool thing about deciding in October to do this was that it at least felt like the holidays were around the corner. We did some recording in New York and in Boston, my hometown. I got all my nieces and nephews to sing on a couple of songs and that made for a fun and festive atmosphere in the studio.

Living in Los Angeles now, do you do anything special to make it feel more like home during the holidays? How will you celebrate the holiday season?

JM: Well, it’s nice if we get a few days of rain. I make believe its snow and make a fire. I also have my tradition of grilled ham and cheeses on challah raisin bread by the fire…with a good glass of red wine. Other than that I miss Boston desperately during the holidays.

What’s next for Joey McIntyre?

JM: Well, we have the juggernaut that is NKOTB–thanks to having the greatest fans on earth. We will be touring the UK and Europe and Australia in the spring of ’12 and then planning for some dates here in the states for the summer.

Personally, I am focusing on acting with some cool guest spots–CSI: NY and Psych–and a nice part in one of the year’s holiday movies “New Year’s Eve.” All the while having my hands full with two boys–4 and almost 2 years old–and a beautiful little six-month old girl, who can do no wrong.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

NKOTB News for November 29 (Happy Birthday Jonathan Knight!)

Don't forget Joey's new Christmas album "Come home for Christmas" is now available on iTunes. Last I checked it was #79 on the iTunes album chart. has a video comparing NKOTB and BSB and singing abilities, dancing skills, album sales, the quality of their music videos and longevity.
Click here to watch!

And speaking of WatchMojo, in this video Nick Carter talks about NKOTBSB and if Backstreet Boys will continue to work with NKOTB:

Video courtesy of WatchMojo

Happy Birthday Jonathan Knight!

Monday, November 28, 2011

NKOTB News for November 28

There are some more details about Joey and Jordan's appearance at the CHUM FM Wish Breakfast on December 16 posted at the Chum FM website.

All the info about on sale and pre-sale times for the Australian dates are now posted at

Joey was Tracked down "checking out the Carlos Mencia show at The Wilbur after the tree lighting at Macy’s in Downtown Crossing".

Danny shared a favorite holiday recipe: his mom's Coffee Cake Recipe:

1 1/2 sticks or 3/4 cup of margarine or butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
3 eggs
3 cups flour, divided
1 1/2 cups sour cream
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla
1 pinch salt
Secret ingredient

Sugar mixture-
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon

Preheat over to 325 degrees. Spray your pan with cooking spray. Cream butter/margarine and sugar together in a mixer. Sift all dry ingredients together in a large bowl. After butter/margarine and sugar is creamy, add half of the dry mixture, eggs, vanilla and sour cream and mix. Add the other half of the dry mixture and mix until batter is smooth. Pour half the batter in to the pan, then sprinkle half of the sugar mixture over the batter. Pour second half of the batter, then top with remaining sugar mixture. Bake for 50 - 60 minutes.

Jordan Knight and Joey McIntyre in Toronto December 16

From CHUM FM in Toronto: Mark Dec. 16 in your calendars because we're hosting our annual CHUM Christmas Wish breakfast! ...this year we'll have Jordan Knight, Joey McIntyre, and Lights there to perform and special guest Mario Cantone from Sex and the City!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Joey McIntyre's latest blog

Here is Joey's latest blog. He announces that Jordan will be joining him at his December 1st appearance in Boston and that he'll be on The View on Dec 23rd.

'Tis the season...for lots of things. Lots of those things can be stressful. The idea is to balance them out with as many fun things as possible. Like making the effort to get out the Christmas ornaments early...I'm convincing myself as I write this. Maybe thinking of gifts for people early in the season- little gifts go a long way and if you start earlier, chances are the gifts you get for loved ones are more thoughtful. (What am I a Christmas guru now cuz I made a Christmas album??! Uh...well, I gotta start somewhere. That would be awesome. Just come out during the holidays and spread some cheer and then GTFO.) Thanksgiving was nice this year, but there was a bug going around my house and I was the last to get it...just in time for dinner on Thursday- wasn't that bad but I had no appetite, so I'm trying to make up for it on the left-overs. That's going pretty well so far. The Macy's Tree Lighting in Boston was really really nice. I used to go to downtown crossing in Boston with my mom all the time and especially at Christmas time (when the building that Macy's is in was Jordan Marsh, or as we would say it: Jawdin Mahsh.) So once again "the memories come floodin' back" and I feel so lucky to be back in my hometown doing what I love and sharing it with you. I was able to get my two nieces and nephew up on stage and sing Jingle Bells with me. They were great! Their dad Tommy was way more nervous than they were. We had some help from the really fun and energetic kids from The Boston Children's Chorus that I had just met. We rehearsed for about 5 minutes and they were total pros and really made the performance extra special. Then a got to see so many of you up close and personal. Thanks for coming in to see me :) And now next up is the Boston Common Tree Lighting on December 1st. That's gonna be even more fun. Hope you can make it down to the Common and if not you can see it on Channel 5 in Boston WCVB (might be somewhere on youtube?). I'm gonna be singing "Peace on Earth" with Jordan Knight and a couple more songs myself with ma dude Rob Lewis. Gonna be a great night cuz that's only the beginning. We got the "extra special Joe Show". I wish I picked a bigger spot cuz I keep getting asked about how to get tix, but I guess that's what makes it extra extra special. There may be a few more that I can dig up :) And then from there, I go back to LA for the "New Year's Eve" premiere on Dec 5th and then back to NYC for the taping of The View (airs Dec 23rd) and the NYC intimate/free/secret/Joe Show and more fun stuff that I'm thinking of. Can't wait to chill for a bit in the Big Apple during the holidays. OH! And I almost forgot my Christmas Album is on itunes this Tuesday 11/29!!! Let's have some fun. 'Tis the season, baby!!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

More tour dates for NKOTBSB in Australia!

A Live Nation press release with the rest of the Australian NKOTBSB tour dates was posted at Ticketek website:

NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK AND BACKSTREET BOYS Tickets on sale Thu 8 Dec, 2pm Presented by: Live Nation AUSTRALIA GET READY

Tickets on sale Thu 8 Dec, 2pm

Presented by: Live Nation

With the continued and insatiable fan demand, the unstoppable phenomenon that is NKOTBSB will officially bring their show down under! In May, New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys will come to Australia for four shows only, stopping in Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane and Sydney.

“If our fans want us down under, we’ll go down under,” saidNew Kids’ Donnie Wahlberg. “Our international fans have been flying to see us stateside for years, so now we are bringing the show to them. Get ready Australia, we are coming to you!”

The Australian leg will bring the historic NKOTBSB tour for a limited four show run, giving fans across the globe chances to catch their favorite groups on one stage.

NKOTBSB first shocked and delighted fans when they took the stage together for a medley at the sold out NKOTB Radio City Music Hall show. The two groups wowed audiences again in their first joint televised performance at the American Music Awards almost a year ago in November 2010 and have toured consistently through 2011 since coming together.

With over 200 million albums sold between both bands, and smash hit after smash hit, these two pop sensations have dominated the music scene for over three decades. Aiming to please, these guys are giving concert goers and diehard fans everywhere the ultimate “night out” experience.


19 May - Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne

21 May - Adelaide Entertainment Centre

23 May - Brisbane Entertainment Centre

26 May - Allphones Arena, Sydney

*Ticketek is selling for the above venues only

Herald Sun in Australia interviews Jordan and announces first Australian tour date

Here is an interview Jordan Knight did with the Herald Sun in Australia. It says NKOTBSB, will visit Australia in May and one of the dates is Rod Laver Arena on May 19. Here's the article...

New Kids are back on the block with the boys from Backstreet. NUI TE KOHA reports

NEW Kids On The Block frontman Jordan Knight is a boy band icon.

But try telling that to his son, Dante, 12.

Jordan smiles: "I was at home today doing bicep curls and my son just shook his head.

"He looked at me like: 'Why are you working out? What is that?'

"He sees me as his dad - and that's it."

Knight jokes his wife Evelyn and boys Dante and Eric suffer through his pre-tour preparation of boot camps and bum notes.

"They see and hear all the mistakes," he says, laughing.

"When I get on stage, I'm polished. But they know who I am, really."

Knight has been a pop star since 1988. Really.
He joined New Kids On The Block, a boy band created by hitmaker and producer, Maurice Starr, in 1984. Knight was only 14 years old.

"I was really optimistic," he says. "The whole idea of working in the studio, putting a show together, entertaining girls - that stuff was fun.

"I was young and wide-eyed for sure, but it was an incredible experience."

Hits - including You Got It (The Right Stuff), Hangin' Tough and Step By Step - and hysteria soon followed.

They toured the world, topped a Forbes magazine rich list and during a visit to Melbourne were given the keys to the city.

Knight vaguely recalls the event, but offers slickly: "I hope the keys still work and nobody has changed the locks."

Never. Once upon a time, New Kids rocked every block.

"Our goal was to conquer the world," Knight says. "When it happened, it was like a dream come true.

He sighs: "Then, there has to be a backlash.

"If you get so many people loving you, ultimately, the opposite happens.

"Yet, through it all, we were the same five guys from Boston. We knew what was going on - and why."

That said, media scrutiny and celebrity culture wasn't intense back then, either.

"There weren't as many outlets, but there were definitely paparazzi outside the clubs," Knight says.

However, he argues celebrity culture and the relentless news cycle has demystified pop stars.

"If you did something back then that was a little imperfect, it would get magnified," Knight says.

"But, now, it seems that imperfection is in.

"I could go on YouTube, fart at the camera, and it would be funny.

"If I did that 20 years ago, it would be all over the news.

"I think the internet and the access to celebrities has made them more human. That's reality - and I'm glad it's happened."

New Kids split in 1995 and Knight enjoyed a solo career.

Meanwhile, a new generation of boy bands, including Backstreet Boys (above, with NKOTB) and NSync, arrived.

After several attempts to reunite New Kids, they reformed as NKOTB three years ago. Last year, NKOTB announced a tour with Backstreet Boys.

That tour, NKOTBSB, will visit Australia in May.

Knight said they made a pact to ensure a collaborative success.

"We had to be on the same wavelength," he says.

"We didn't want it to be any kind of show that made us rivals and we didn't want to try to upstage each other.

"This is a collaboration and celebration of music that we do."

Knight admits he was always a Backstreet Boys fan.

He says, enthused: "Man, they can really sing.

"They all have different voices, but when they sing together, it creates a blend that is really unique and their own.

"There is no mistaking a Backstreet Boys song."

So who's better: NKOTB or BSB?

"Honestly, collectively, I think they're much better vocally," Knight replies.

"I think, pound for pound, they are a vocal group. New Kids are known more for being entertainers.

"I'm not saying we can't sing. I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying Backstreet Boys' forte, to me, is harmonies, blending and singing. Ours is entertaining."

Indeed, Knight is thrilled to still be performing in the Bieber era, almost 30 years after joining New Kids.

"I recognize the reaction Justin Bieber is getting," he says. "It's the same as what happened with us. He's talented, he's got the girls wrapped around his finger, and it looks like he'll keep going and going and going."

Knight knows pop is cyclical.

"The more things change, the more they stay the same," he says.

"We want to recreate memories for people - and create new ones. That's our job."

New Kids On The Block and Backstreet Boys, Rod Laver Arena, May 19. Book it: 132 849.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Joey to perform at the Boston Annual Children's Hospital concert on December 20

According to, Joey will be a guest vocalist with members of the Pops at the Boston Annual Children's Hospital concert on December 20.

Joey McIntyre at the "Light up the Night" event at Macy's in Boston

Here are a couple videos of Joey at the "Light up the Night" event at Macy's in Boston!

Update: Original videos have been deleted, but here's another one I found:

Video courtesy of Melanie D

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

NKOTB news for November 23

I started typing up this post before the biggest news of the day came out.... Here's the rest of the NKOTB news for November 23:

Joey's CD is now available for pre-order on iTunes. If you ordered it through Joey's website, you should get getting it very soon.

Here is a photo Donnie sent out of him and Jennifer Esposito on the set of Blue Bloods
DonnieWahlberg: Latest Gossip... @DonnieWahlberg and @JennifersWayJE go undercover as 80's gym owners SHENA & REX on Blue Bloods!

Blue Bloods is the 12th most watched TV show of the week.

Danny shared photos of the food he made for Thanksgiving with his Twitter followers.

NKOTB's New Year's Eve Concert Cancelled

The New Kids on the Block have cancelled their concert in New York on New Year's Eve. Here is the statement posted on the official website:

Wow what a year for all of us.

It started by ringing in the New Year with Ryan Seacrest and Dick Clark in Times Square and another sold out cruise that created memories that will last a lifetime. The US leg of the NKOTBSB tour played to a record 55 shows and over 600,000 people including the gig of our lives at Fenway Park that we got to share with all of you.

As you know, no New Kids event is complete without the chance to share it with our fans. On that note, after significant consideration, we have decided to cancel the New Years Eve event in New York City. The reason for this is while it’s apparent some of you could join us, a vast majority of you couldn’t due other obligations that you have on this holiday. We heard from so many of you that this date just couldn’t work. We’re sorry for any inconvience. It’s just so important to us that these events can be shared with all of you.

We’re so excited for the year ahead which will include our first trip back to Europe since 2009, additional NKOTBSB tour legs soon to be announced, another sold out cruise and additional NKOTB North American touring plans and very special events. We would be nothing without your love and support and appreciate your understanding on this needed change. Should anyone be unable to get out of any travel obligations, please send an email to and we will do our best to assist you.

We wish you the happiest of holidays. Spend it with your loved ones and we’ll see you in 2012!


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Get tickets to Joey's Boston and NY shows

From Joey:

OK! email and tell me in 20 words why u (plus a guest) have to be at the Bos 12/1 show or NYC 12/14 show!

Joey McIntyre interview with Female First

Joey did an interview with FemaleFirst:

Interview: Joey McIntyre (New Kids On The Block)

Joey talks to us about the band's collaboration with the Backstreet Boys, their upcoming joint tour and a boyband revival.

Next year, New Kids On The Block and Backstreet Boys will bring their NKOTBSB collaboration to the UK.

We spoke to NKOTB member Joey McIntyre about the tour, their joint Greatest Hits and much more.

-How has it been touring with Backstreet Boys in the States? Do you all get along well?
Yeah, like I said, we got along marvoulously. It was a blast. We're just a bunch of guys getting to do what we love every night - performing, on the road, to sold-out arenas. It doesn't really get much better than that!

It is also a challenge, as lucky as it is, you have to stay on your game, you're away from home, away from your families. There's sacrifices along the way, but we're playing at the height of the game. It's an awesome thing.

-What can fans expect from the live show itself?
Do you guys have Billboard Magazine over there? Well, they're doing an article, the making of the home run - how we changed the game of how bands tour together. It's funny, sometimes the simplist thing becomes brilliant.

We decided to make it one big show, instead of "one band goes on for an hour, then another band goes on for an hour". We combined the two groups to make one big, awesome rollercoaster of a show.

Like I said, we feed off it, and they feed off it - and the fans feed off it. It's definitely, for a pop concert, it's in overdrive - it's awesome. It's something that I don't think a lot of people have experience, as far as pop shows go, with two great bands trading off.

-You've released a combined Greatest Hits. How was the track-list put together?
What we did was, we let the fans decide. So, it wasn't difficult because we let the fans decide. They voted, and whatever the top 5 songs were for each band, is what made it. It was kinda easy in that respect.

-How's the reaction been to 'Turn Out The Lights'?
I think it's a great song. To have both groups on one record, it's cool. It's a bit of pop history, and getting together like that was very cool. It's a great song, it's great to have something like that to play live every night. It's a special and fun moment in the show. It was kinda written specifically for that moment in the show. It's always fun to write something for a specific spot. The reaction's been great - it was an important piece of the puzzle.

-With your supergroup, and Take That's success, what do you think is the reason for this recent boyband revival?
I can't speak specifically for the Take That thing cos I don't know it that well. They came a little bit after us, and got back together a little bit before us. When you are a teen idol sensation, it's a moment in time in your fans' lives.

They got absolutely bananas, they lose their minds, and then they grow up and get their own boyfriends. They go to college, they have life experiences and we all move on.

Specifically for New Kids fans, I think, you know, they're at a different place in their life. They've jumped into a career, or they've got married and had kids. Now they can look back on that time with...more of an open heart. They can really embrace the past.

The cool thing is we're still young enough, so there's plenty of nostalgia, but it's still fun, current, exciting.

Obviously Take That has proven that - even though it's something from the past, it's still very current. You can't argue with the success, but timing is everything.

Our fans were ready to come back, and we were ready to come back. Going through all that we did, we needed a lot of time off and we've done stuff on our own now.

-How did the collaboration with Backstreet Boys come about initially?
Well, the New Kids got back together in 2008, had a huge arena tour. If you call it a comeback, it was an amazing comeback. Our fans stepped up, it was really something to be a part of it. It was amazing.

Over the past few years we've been having a blast with our fans, and trying to keep it fresh or new. We didn't wanna get old. We don't want it to get old.

I know that the five of us...we're not going to do it if it's not something new and exciting to us. We've been able to do that. In that thinking, we've feeded off each other. One group does a few songs, the other does a few. It's very energetic - it's worked.

-Last year, Brian said that he'd been writing new material with Donny. Can we expect more from the supergroup in the future?
I don't know. Right now, we're looking forward to this tour. You know, you've got two groups, each group has its plans and aspirations - and then, within those two groups, you have 9 individuals that have careers, families and dreams.

Right now, there's nothing on the table for both groups together. What we've done here, so far, is really special. We hold it in high regard - whatever it is, we want to keep it that way. All doors are open, so we'll see.

-Along with the tour, you've also got your annual New Kids On the Block cruise. Can you tell us a bit about that?
Well, I guess this is number four - it sold out in minutes and it's becoming it's own little phenomenom, the New Kids Cruise. It's a blast - it's a microcosm of the New Kids nation, and what we do.

People have taken four days out of their life to fly to Miami, get on a boat and have the time of their lives. It's a blast, but we take it very seriously. We want it to be fulfilling and special.

We sit around, every time we put another one sale, it still gonna sell out? It keeps selling out faster. Than we can we top that? It's a fun little chapter in the New Kids story.

-Are you excited to bring the NKOTBSB tour to the UK?
Oh, of course! We're thrilled. We've been so fortunate to do what we're doing. To bring it to the UK is a whole different energy. Being from the States, we know what it was like for our fans there...I think it's going to be heightened.

I know the Backstreet Boys have spent a lot more time there than we have. I think that's going to add to the excitement, and bring out more New Kids fans because of that as well. It's like a snowball. We feed off each other, it's really cool. It becomes one fanbase, once the tour starts.

Monday, November 21, 2011

NKOTB News for November 21

Photos from Jordan's meet and greet in Virginia are now available here (update: removed dead link).

The City of Boston posted some more details about Joey's appearance at the Official Tree Lighting in the Boston Common. Channel 5 in Boston will be broadcasting the event live.

Donnie Wahlberg is a subject in a new fiction book called The Donnie Wahlberg Drinking Game.

Midnight Red performs "Step by Step":

Video courtesy of LupeMarquezx

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Jordan Knight and Deborah Cox Serenade

Deborah Cox and Jordan Knight sum up their Cover Me Canada experience in song.

Video courtesy of kjrichmond

Jordan Knight interview with Canadian Top 20

Here is an interview Jordan did with Canadian Top 20:

Jordan Knight interview with Christal Blue on 99.3 The VIBE

Jordan Knight interview with Christal Blue on 99.3 The VIBE Walburgers in Hingham: Fun and satisfying food

Here is an article about Wahlburgers from

News of Hingham’s new burger joint exploded this summer in a Hollywood-powered media blitz that was hard to miss.

Even before the coverage on TV, newspapers, Us and People magazines, there was lots of local scuttlebutt: a deal for a reality show on the place; a green initiative, somehow linked to the White House, was under way; plans for a nationwide chain.

Whether or not these rumors come to pass, the brilliantly named Wahlburgers is lending some of Hollywood’s bright light to the Launch at Hingham Shipyard complex.

The 80-seat (there are another 40 on the patio) ĂĽber-fast-food restaurant and bar is owned by longtime South Shore chef Paul Wahlberg and his celebrity brothers Donnie and Mark Wahlberg.

In June 2010, when Chef Paul opened his first restaurant, Alma Nove, across the street from the Wahlburgers site, his brothers were investors but quietly so. Now, with Alma Nove’s success, the brothers have put their star power and family story on proud display.

The retro-modern diner-inspired dĂ©cor is filled with movie memorabilia and the family focus is graphically encapsulated in the restaurant’s highly visible logo — Wahlburgers: Our Family, Our Story, Our Burgers.

That story — written on the rear wall in large letters — is a familiar Boston tale: Nine kids in a triple-decker in Dorchester didn’t have much but one another.

The bright, windowed space is a large V-shape (or maybe half a W?) with an open kitchen between the two rectangular wings. One side offers table service with seating either at large communal tables for 10, or at the bar.

On the other side, people order at the counter and either sit at a booth or a two-top, or get the food to go. In warm weather, there’s great patio seating.

Since it opened last month, Wahlburgers has been packed. On four recent visits, timed to avoid peak hours, the place was still crowded. The owners, who also include family friend Ed St. Croix, have created a clever business by including a full bar and making it the only place in the area that’s open seven days a week until 1 a.m.

The option, too, for self-service nicely removes the cost of a tip, as do the credit card receipts, which offer no line for writing in a tip.

Wahlburgers isn’t really about the food. It’s about fun and filling up on satisfying comforts in a lively, easy environment.

Eight flat-screens line the walls above the bar; the brothers are big Boston sports fans. Music, too, is important to the lads (Donnie got his start in the ’80s in the boy group New Kids on the Block), so the sound system is great and the play list widely varied.

The menu is small but well thought out. There are nicely seasoned turkey burgers ($6.25) and three main beef burgers — the cheapest being the single-decker at $4.50, and the most expensive, the triple-decker at $9.

The sandwiches have a grilled toasted bun and can be ordered with a large selection of toppings that include fresh jalapeños, smoked tomato salsa, and sriracha hot sauce. A single- or double-decker with, say, ketchup, mayo, mustard, pickles, tomato, and the ‘‘government’’ (American) cheese the Wahlbergs grew up on, delivers mouthfuls of hard-to-resist, classic fast-food burger flavor.

Three burgers with set toppings are offered as specialty choices. The Thanksgiving turkey burger ($7.50) is topped with stuffing, cranberry sauce, roasted squash, and mayo. It is sweet, savory, and gooey — in a good way.

The beef is all antibiotic- and hormone-free, a nice boon, and healthier burgers, including salmon and mushroom, are to debut soon.

The kids’menu has good Bell & Evans hormone- and antibiotic-free chicken fingers with fries for $5; a simple grilled cheese on thick white bread with fries ($4); ‘‘smahlburgers’’ with fries ($5); and kid-sized sodas for a buck. There are also tater tots ($3) and sweet potato tots ($3), which are fine but I’d rather have the fries ($3).

I love (God forgive me) Wahlburger’s hot dog ($4), with its snappy bite, the choice of some good sauerkraut, and its grilled roll. I don’t know where else around here I could get as good a dirty water dog as this one.

We also found the skinny onion rings outstanding, and one hard pull on the thick chocolate frappe ($4.65), made with ice cream from Nona’s Homemade Ice Cream, brings on flashes of pure childhood goodness.

The chef’s ingrained hospitality is evident in little touches aimed to please a variety of guests: good French roast coffee, house-made lemonade, locally sourced Hornstra Farms chocolate milk, and caramelized onions, sautĂ©ed mushrooms, and avocado as optional burger add-ons ($1).

Noticeable, too, are a pair of salt and pepper shakers on each table — no need for paper packets of S&P at Wahlburgers.

Very retro.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Jordan Knight interview with OhSoCosmoTV

Here is an interview Jordan did with OhSoCosmoTV:

Jordan Knight in Virginia

Here are some links to photos from Jordan's autograph signing in Virginia today:

JORDANs_VAgirl's photos

Audio from Christal Blue's interview with Jordan will be posted on the 99.3 VIBE website on Monday, but here is a short preview .

Thursday, November 17, 2011

More Joey McIntyre Appearances?

According to MarketWatch, Joey will be on the Red carpet for the premiere of "New Year's Eve" on December 5th at Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood.

Also, Joey posted this on Twitter:

Free intimate Christmas shows in Boston 12/1 and NYC 12/14 - I'll pick peeps on twitter. Gonna be fun and festive w/ ma dude, @IamRobLewis

Wahlburgers Grand Opening Video Clip

Here is another look at the Wahlburgers opening from a few weeks ago from Producer/Editor James Clark:

Update: Video has been deleted, does anyone have it saved?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Press Release for Joey McIntyre's Christmas Album

Here is a press release for Joey's Christmas album. He announced the album will be available on iTunes on November 29 and he will be making appearances in Boston on November 25 and December 1st.



“I’ve always known I would record a Christmas album,” says multi-platinum singer, songwriter and performer JOEY McINTYRE of his soon-to-be released COME HOME FOR CHRISTMAS full-length album, available Tuesday, November 29 on iTunes. “These wonderful standards have a warm special place in my heart. I have enjoyed singing them on so many snowy walks through my childhood hometown of Boston and they have soothed my homesickness out in Hollywood during the holidays.”

For the holiday standards that make up the self-released COME HOME FOR CHRISTMAS, the NKOTB singer set out to record versions of some of his favorites that evoke holiday memories and yet still retain their traditional sound. Highlights include: a fun duet with actor-comedian Mario Cantone on “Baby, It’s Cold Outside,” the classic “Peace On Earth” on which he is joined by “one of my good friends and mentors,” NKOTB’s Jordan Knight, and a moving version of “Do You Hear What I Hear?” which features his sister Carol Gallagher, “with whom I sang my first-ever song on stage when I was six-years-old.” JOEY produced and arranged the album with long time collaborater Rob Lewis, which was recorded in Los Angeles, Boston and New York.

To celebrate the release of “COME HOME FOR CHRISTMAS”, JOEY will head home to Boston for the Friday, November 25 Tree Lighting Ceremony at Macy’s Boston Downtown Crossing where he’ll perform two of the album’s tracks. Immediately following the lighting and performance, JOEY will also do an in-store CD signing. The CD will also be available at that Macy’s location during the holiday season at Macy’s stores. Then on December 1, he’ll again be in Boston for the official annual City of Boston Tree Lighting on Boston Common, which is televised throughout New England.

As part of the never-ending pop phenomenon that is NKOTB, JOEY became an icon, with over 80 million albums sold and countless sold out shows worldwide. However, on his solo material, he truly gets the chance to shine. In 1998, JOEY dropped his debut, Stay the Same. Elevated by the chart-topping title track, the record quickly exceeded platinum status. Joey followed it up with fan favorite Meet Joe Mac in 2001. He continued to tour the world incessantly. However, he found the time to release 8:09 in 2004 and a very personal collection of cover tunes, Talk to Me, in 2006. His fifth release, the Here We Go Again EP, was issued in 2009.

The COME HOME FOR CHRISTMAS track listing is as follows:
“I’ll Be Home For Christmas”
“Jingle Bells”
“O Come All Ye Faithful”
“Winter Wonderland”
“Peace on Earth” featuring Jordan Knight
“Christmas Don’t Be Late” (The Chipmunk song) featuring Griffin McIntyre
“Do You Hear What I Hear?” featuring Carol Gallagher
“Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town”
“Baby It’s Cold Outside” featuring Mario Cantone
“O Holy Night”
“Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

NKOTB News for November 15

You can get the MP3 of the performance of "Don't Forget Me" by Jordan Knight and Deborah Cox on Canadian iTunes.

Wahlburgers is mentioned in this week's People Magazine. Here is the image from the Wahlburgers Facebook page:

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Official Jordan Knight 2012 Calendar!

I receieved this email today and am passing it along...

Available for pre-order now, this 12 month calendar boasts some rare and never-before-seen photos of Jordan Knight. Keep track of birthdays and holidays while enjoying these amazing pictures of Jordan all year long!

We have been working closely with Jordan to produce this exciting new calendar for your viewing pleasure. What do you think of this teaser photo? Imagine that masterpiece and eleven others hanging on your wall!

Only a limited number of calendars will be available, so reserve yours now!

To sweeten the deal, Jordan will be signing 250 calendars which will be shipped at random to some very lucky customers! This would make a great gift for anybody you know!

Visit to order. 

Jordan Knight interview with 91.5 The Beat

Here is an interview Jordan did with 91.5 The Beat in Toronto:

NKOTBSB adds Geneva, Switzerland to European Tour

NKOTBSB will be coming to the Geneva Arena in Geneva, Switzerland on May 3rd 2011!

Block Nation Presales and Block Nation VIP Nation Presales: Thursday, November 17th - See for specific times and passwords.

Tickets go on sale to the general public on Friday, November 18th at 8am CET.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Jordan Knight on Cover Me Canada Finale

Here are the highlights from tonight's episode of Cover Me Canada. It includes a performance of "Don't Forget Me When I'm Gone" by Jordan, Deborah Cox, Ron Fair and some of the Cover Me Canada contestants.

Video courtesy of yikes77

More details about NKOTB and Boyz II Men in NYC

Join NKOTB for the party of the year, with very special guests Boyz II Men, and DJ Cheapshot as they ring in the New Year in NYC at Roseland Ballroom. Tickets on sale Friday Nov. 18, 2011 @ 10am ET, special Block Nation pre sale on Wednesday Nov. 16, @ 10am ET. For more info, please visit

From NKOTB New Year’s Eve VIP Package – packages will be EXTREMELY limited – so don’t miss out

Package includes:

* One General Admission ticket in VIP viewing area
* Meet and Greet & Individual photo op with NKOTB (1 photo per person)*
* Exclusive access to VIP open bar
* Early priority entrance into venue
* Specially designed NKOTB-NYE T-shirt
* NKOTB NYE VIP commemorative laminate
* Commemorative NKOTB - NYE VIP ticket
* Crowd-free merchandise shopping
* On-site VIP host

*Please note there is 1 individual photo per package - no props or special requests will be honored

Joey McIntyre appearance at Macy's on November 25th

Joey is scheduled to attend the "Light up the Night" event at Macy's in Boston on November 25th. He will be performing before the Tree Lighting festivities at the Summer Street Entrance. He will also be signing autographs of his new holiday CD "Come Home For Christmas" for the first 250 people to make a Lacoste fragrance purchase.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Updates from the Jordan Knight show in Detroit

Update: all the videos and photos have since been deleted, but I’ll leave this post up for the set list below:

Here is the unoffical set list (from what I saw on Twitter)
Let's go higher
One more night
Broken By You
Tender Love
I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man
I Wish
Up & Down
Like A Wave
The Right Stuff

MyFoxDETROIT interview with Jordan Knight

Here is a video of Jordan's interview with He talks about performing solo, Twitter, the NKOTB Cruise, NKOTBSB going to Europe, Australia and South East Asia next year and more.

Video courtesy of Eleen Jordan