Thursday, June 30, 2016

NKOTB to guest star on "Fuller House"

The New Kids on the Block will be guest stars on an episode of "Fuller House"! The episode will film on August 19 in Burbank, CA.  There is a charity auction (to benefit Operation USA) for VIP tickets to the filming and meet and greet with the cast of the show and the New Kids.

Update: Contest has ended.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Jonathan Knight on 104.5 BOB FM

Here is an interview Jonathan did recently with 104.5 Bob FM. Where he talks about being on the Amazing Race, Rock This Boat and more.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Watch NKOTB's interview with Yahoo Live

Here is another interview with NKOTB from last week where they talked about the cruise, themes, what their advice for their younger self would be, and they look at old photos and reminisce...

Update: Video has been deleted, does anyone have it saved?

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Listen to NKOTB on Dirty Sexy Funny

The guys did an interview with Jenny McCarthy on her show Dirty Sexy Funny. Here are some highlights:

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Watch NKOTB's interview with AOL Build

The New Kids on the Block did an interview with AOL Build today, they talk about their reunion, favorites movies and TV shows, Joey's new TV show, and more. Check out the interview below:


The guys did an interview with WCBS 101.1 and they talked about playing clubs back in the day, how the group was formed, the NKOTB cruise, parenting advice, traveling advice, what their plans for the future (regarding new music and tours) are, what they appreciate most about their reunion, what they do for self-care after the cruise, and more

Watch NKOTB on the Today Show (6-9-16)

Here is a clip of the New Kids on the Today Show from this morning.

Watch NKOTB's interview with 1010 WINS

The New Kids on the Block did an interview with Brigitte Quinn on 1010 WINS. They talked about Rock This Boat and they answered questions that Facebook fans asked such as: are there any plans for a new album, what their favorite New Kids songs are, do they think they will be together as a group forever and more. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

NKOTB on Today Show this Thursday

The New Kids on the Block will be on the Today show on NBC on Thursday, June 9!

Monday, June 6, 2016

NKOTB in Coney Island on August 4

The New Kids on the Block announced today that they will be performing at the Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn, NY on August 4!

Tickets go on sale...
Tuesday June 7th - BLOCK NATION Pre-Sale (Starting @ 10am EDT)
Thursday June 9th - BLOCK NATION Pre-Sale Ends (10pm EDT)
Friday June 10th – Public On-Sale (Starting @ 10am EDT)

Friday, June 3, 2016

Highlights of Donnie Wahlberg's show in St. Charles

Here are some highlights courtesy of blueyedgirl78 of Donnie's concert in St. Charles last night. Some of his special guests included Jordan, Joey and Danny as well as Naughty By Nature, Nice and Smooth and more.

He performed some songs rarely done in concert such as Dirty Dawg, One Song, I Got It, Rise and Grind, and She's a Killer. They also performed some cover songs like All of Me (performed by Joey), Uptown Funk, Let's Go Crazy and Kiss and more.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Watch more preview clips from NKOTB's Rock This Boat

The second season of Rock This Boat: New Kids on the Block starts tonight at 8:30P/7:30c on POP TV. Here are a few new preview clips.

In the video that accompanies this interview Joey did with People Magazine, Joey talks about leaving his kids behind to go on the cruise and bringing Griffin on stage during the tour... Click here to watch.

In this clip from the Boston Globe Donnie needs to find the perfect "pick me up" to stay awake during the cruise.

Joey and Jordan talk about making their hair big:

Jordan talks about his style for Prom Night and Jonathan reminiscences about going to prom in high school.