Monday, January 27, 2025

Catching up with Donnie

Donnie filmed an episode of "Bar Rescue" back in September, and he is briefly shown in this advertisement for the new season, which begins on February 23.

Very Scary Lovers, which Donnie will be co-hosting with Jenny, will air on February 2, right after the season finale of "Very Scary People". 

There is an article about it here and below is a preview of the episode: 

This is from last summer, but it was just posted recently. It's a good Q&A in Saratoga Springs, NY during the Magic Summer Tour: 

Here are some highlights from his recent social media posts

He shared this clip of him starting off his day with some Billy Ocean: 

He showed his support to Joey on his album release day: 

(In the first one, the original poster was wondering if that was Donnie singing "Guess what baby" in the song "Until Tomorrow". Joey addressed that question on his YouTube live and didn't give a definitive answer. I think based on his response, it's probably not)

Donnie has posted his "words of wisdom" many times over the years, and he has been resharing them in his stories lately. Here are some of the recent ones. 

And here are some other social media highlights from Donnie: 

Jenny posted this silly video of Donnie doing a TikTok trend: 

Be sure to check out this week's issue of US Weekly. Donnie and Jenny are on the cover. If you missed them, watch some videos of their interview here and here!

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