Donnie was interviewed by In Touch Weekly. Here's the questions and answers:
Donnie Wahlberg Reveals Secret to Jenny McCarthy Marriage: “Always Put the Relationship 1st’
By Mark McGarry and Lindsay Hoffman
For Donnie Wahlberg, teaming up with wife Jenny McCarthy for their upcoming ID special Very Scary Lovers was a no-brainer. “She’s just as much of a fan of true crime as I am,” says the 55-year-old star. Premiering on February 2, the one-hour show — a spinoff of Very Scary People, which Donnie has been hosting for six seasons (the latest installment kicked off on December 15) — follows the story of infamous criminal couple Benjamin and Erika Sifrit. “Despite the dark subject matter, we had a really good time making it together,” Donnie exclusively tells In Touch. Here, the actor and beloved New Kids on the Block singer talks to In Touch’s Lindsay Hoffman about Jenny, fatherhood (to Xavier, 31, and Elijah, 23, from a previous relationship, and stepdad to Jenny’s son, Evan, 22), and the rumored Blue Bloods spinoff.
What’s it like to work with Jenny?
DW: Effortless. We’ve been married for 10 years and together 12, and we have a good shorthand. We know each other’s strengths and when to lean on the other. Hopefully we’ll do more together.
Tell us about ‘Very Scary Lovers.’
DW: While researching Very Scary People, we discovered that there are so many couples who engage in this behavior, and we thought it would be interesting to explore that. Sometimes it’s one partner who leads the couple down a path, and it’s fascinating to learn why the other partner was willing to go along with it.
What have these shows taught you?
DW: No matter how much we try to get in the minds of people who do these kinds of things, we’ll just never truly understand. A lot of these killers might look like the guy next door, and we say, “I can’t believe he’d do that.” We can’t believe it because our minds aren’t wired like theirs.
‘Blue Bloods’ just wrapped after 14 seasons, but there’s been talk of a spinoff.
DW: It’s been discussed. Whatever’s going to happen is going to have to be done thoughtfully and carefully. There’s quite a legacy to live up to, and if the show doesn’t carry on some of its magical elements, it would be a disservice.
Fans tried to save the show. How did that feel?
DW: A lot of the fans are loyal New Kids on the Block fans who’ve been supporting me for 40 years, so it doesn’t surprise me. It fills my heart, and I really appreciate them. It’s sad, but there will be other things coming along. I’m the type of person who looks forward to the next endeavor. I look back with gratitude and forward with hope.
What’s your secret to a happy marriage?
DW: Always put the relationship first. Despite every other thing we do, we put each other first, and by doing that, it gives us room to do all these other things. We refer to it as holding each other’s kite strings while the other one flies. We’re very supportive of each other because neither one of us is worried that we’re not giving the relationship everything we have.
What has fatherhood taught you?
DW: What hasn’t it taught me? Being a father will always be a learning experience. When your kids need you, you have to go.
What would you tell your younger self?
DW: Worry less. Work harder. And keep the faith — it’s all going to be all right.
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