Friday, January 17, 2025

Catching up with Joey

Joey filmed the video for the song "Freedom" last night! He was a bit nervous about it and he posted this video before he started filming:

But, once he was done, he was happy with how it went!

Joey posted another update about how he's doing with the wildfires in Los Angeles: 

The Garry Marshall Theater is collecting donations for wildfire relief, and Joey dropped off some stuff too. 

Joey posted this video on Wednesday, and he apologized in advance if you were not chosen for the listening party. I heard emails went out last night, so if you were lucky enough to be invited, please take video and share it (not necessarily the album listening part because we will hear it soon enough, but anything such as questions and answers etc.)!

Kim (kim.thomas_iykyktwins) on Instagram posted a video highlighting Joey's solo endeavors, and Joey responded. 

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