Sunday, January 7, 2024

Better Late Than Never Series: NKOTB on Access Hollywood

I heard that the guys were featured in a segment on Access Hollywood last Tuesday (January 2). Unfortunately, I didn't find out until after the fact. I couldn't find any videos online either. It looks like you can watch it on Peacock, so if you have that streaming service, check it out and let me know what they said!

Update: Here's the summary from katie_summer on Instagram: 

It's an interview from the press day they did back in October (same outfits). Essentially, they said all the same stuff about what to expect on the tour. Some comments about their early videos and how they wore their own clothes. Then Joe and Danny said NSYNC should get on that reunion "what's the deal?" "let's go".

While I was looking for that Access Hollywood interview, I found this one. I thought I had posted this interview, but when I double checked, I didn't find it on this site. So, it's another "better late than never" post. This is from 2020 and they mostly talked about their song and music video for "House Party". 

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