Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Joey McIntyre Updates for January 23

Besides the Q&A, a bit more footage from the premiere screening of the Adam Ray documentary about Carnegie has surfaced....

Here is a video clip of Joey and Adam's intro from stephandthenewkids

She also posted a clip from another angle when they talked to Griffin during the question and answer session: 

Charlene shared her experience about the premiere in the current episode of the "My So-Called Whatever Podcast" (her summary starts about 15 minutes in):


My So-Called Whatever also has some of her video footage in their story highlights on their Instagram page.

Speaking of Adam Ray, Joey went to his comedy show last week at The Comedy Store and he took a photo with Adam dressed up as "Dr. Phil". 

In other news, Joey was recording more new music last week! He shared this photo in his stories

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