Saturday, November 12, 2022

Donnie Wahlberg joins another Instagram Live

For the third time this week, a member of the New Kids has joined an Instagram Live! Donnie joined jks_mentalshot, Lindz_Jay and TheAndiAlbin live from his favorite restaurant in Boston, NEBO. Donnie and some friends had just left the Celtics game and he joined the livestream for about 17 minutes to talk about the NKOTB cruise and more! Donnie said they got some options for ships for the next NKOTB cruise. He said he plans on going to Carnegie. He was asked about if they are going to Europe (they want to, but it might be tough to make it work). He also shared a surprising fact - despite the fact his nickname is "Cheese", he doesn't actually eat it (because "cheese begets cheese"). Update: if you want to see just Donnie’s part, click here, otherwise the full live is below  

Donnie's part starts about 37:45 in:

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