Thursday, June 29, 2023

Catching up with Jonathan Knight

Jon has been sharing some posts over at his Instagram: Here are a few of the most recent ones in case you missed them. 

Here are some of his recent Insta-stories: 

Jon appeared in a promotional video for Season 4 of Unsellable Houses!

Jon and Kristina attended a fundraiser to raise money to renovate and restore Bakers Island Light Station on June 22. Here is a video clip from that event from ThoseBlockheadChicks.

Kristina posted a few photos about the event in her insta-stories as well: 

She posted this photo earlier today her and Jonathan on the set of "The Barbie Dreamhouse Challenge" with Veronica Valencia - Hughes and Tommy Rouse (Veronica's new HGTV show, "Revealed" debuts tonight at 9PM): 

Jonathan was quoted in a recent article from Rolling Stone:

For New Kids on the Block’s Jonathan Knight, such fan interactions supersede performing — something he never expected to say. “As kids, we’d walk in to meet radio winners and it was chaos. There was always a fight about who would fulfill that part of our job because we hated it,” says Knight. “Now, we happily do it. There’s an interaction onstage, but it’s not the same as walking around our cruise, stopping to say hi, and finding out about a fan’s life. For me, being onstage is now secondary to the human component of getting to know fans. They’re family.”

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